Want to Improve Air Conditioning Efficiency? Check Out These 7 No-Cost Tips

Improve Air Conditioning Efficiency

The key to keeping your AC in top working condition and saving money at the same time is regular maintenance. St. Louis air conditioning efficiency can also be enhanced when you take several steps to keep indoor air cool while keeping hot air from entering your home.

Follow the tips below to learn what you can do to improve air conditioning efficiency in your home this summer. In St. Louis, you can also contact the heating and air conditioning experts at Galmiche & Sons to learn more and to schedule your annual AC checkup and keep your air conditioner running at peak efficiency.

Tips for Maximum Air Conditioning Efficiency

1. Schedule an HVAC checkup
Like all appliances and equipment, HVAC systems need regular maintenance and care to keep operating efficiently. Most manufactures recommend having them professionally checked and cleaned once a year, just before the beginning of the cooling season, to ensure that you have peak air conditioning efficiency during the times you need it most. Additionally, regular maintenance can help you to catch minor issues in your system and resolve them while they are still easy to handle.

2. Increase your thermostat setting
For summer, increasing your thermostat setting by 5 to 8 degrees, and in the winter, decreasing it by up to the same amount can provide a substantial savings when it comes to energy usage. Additionally, you can program your thermostat to fit your family’s schedule so that it automatically adjusts the temperature up or down depending on your needs throughout the day for the best air conditioning efficiency.

3. Clear vents of obstructions
Help your air conditioner give you a steady flow of cool air by vacuuming vents. Also, prevent obstructions from blocking air flow. Keep toys, blinds, and furniture away from your AC unit.

Tips for Air Conditioning Efficiency

4. Move heat-producing appliances away from your AC
Heat-producing appliances make your AC work harder, reducing air conditioning efficiency. As much as possible, prevent the thermostat from sensing heat by moving heat producing appliances from near air return vents. When your thermostat senses that air around it is still hot, the air conditioner will run longer and consume more energy than necessary.

5. Don’t let in hot air
During times when direct sun hits your windows and doors, it helps to cover your windows and keep the scorching rays out to minimize the heat that gets inside your house.

6. Rethink the use of the dryer and oven
Again, avoid warming indoor air to maintain air conditioning efficiency. While closing your blinds and curtains can do the trick of blocking heat, you can also keep the air inside your house cooler by avoiding the use of your dryer and oven during the hottest part of the day. Rescheduling some of your activities to cooler evenings or mornings can significantly contribute to increasing air conditioning efficiency.

7. Inspect and seal your ducts
Inspect your ducts for leaks. If they have holes, you can be sure that they will release your cool air. Seal them using tape, but make sure you use duct tape that can stick on metals even in hot or cold days.

Because there is no way that you can perfectly make sure that your ductwork is free from holes, have an HVAC service contractor recheck of the entire ductwork system during your annual maintenance. They can locate hard-to-find leaks and apply the appropriate sealing materials to keep your air conditioning efficiency at its peak.

Learn More About Improving Air Conditioning Efficiency

For more tips and help with improving air conditioning efficiency in your St. Louis area home this summer, contact the heating & air conditioning pros at Galmiche & Sons today!

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