Is Your HVAC System Working Too Hard?

Is Your HVAC System Working Too Hard?

Is your HVAC system having a tough time keeping up with the heating or cooling requirements of your home? Are you experiencing issues like higher energy bills and frequent breakdowns? If yes, then it can be a sign that your HAVC system is working too hard.

An overtaxed HAVC system can lead to various problems. Not only will its performance be inefficient, but its lifespan will reduce too. Thus, to ensure that your HAVC unit continues to perform optimally, you need to identify the signs that your HVAC system is overworking. Today, we will walk you through some common signs that your HVAC system is struggling and what you can do to get it back on track.

To learn more or for help ensuring your HVAC system is running at peak efficiency, contact the heating and air conditioning experts at Galmiche & Sons today.

Is Your HVAC System Working Too Hard? 5 Signs You Should Know About

  • Your monthly energy bills are increasing: This is one of the most common signs that your HVAC system is working too hard. If your monthly energy bills are increasing even when there is no increase in your energy consumption, it indicates that your HVAC unit is struggling to keep up with the demand.
  • You are experiencing poor indoor air quality: Poor-quality indoor air is another factor that indicates your HVAC system is running over time. If your HVAC system is running to hard, it can result in a reduced ability to filter the air and remove excess humidity. This, in turn, can lead to various health problems such as allergies and breathing difficulties.
  • Your HVAC unit breaks down frequently: Does your HVAC unit require frequent repairs? If yes, then this can also be a major sign that your HVAC system is working too hard. When the system is unable to meet the demand of your household, it will start overworking. If you do not identify the root cause of this problem, the entire HVAC unit will experience frequent breakdowns.
  • The system is not able to reach your desired temperature: Does your HVAC system struggle to reach your desired temperature, no matter how long it runs? If yes, it is a clear indication that your HVAC system is working too hard and you should get it inspected by an HVAC professional.
  • The unit is experiencing short cycling: If you notice your HVAC system turning on and off frequently, this could be a sign it is working too hard. This is known as AC short cycling. There are a few potential causes, such as a dirty air filter or a malfunctioning thermostat. So, if your system is experiencing short cycling, make sure to call a HAVC technician and get it inspected.

How to Fix the Issue of an Overtaxed HVAC System?

Is Your HVAC System Working Efficiently?

If your HVAC system is working too hard, it is critical to find the root cause of the issue and get it resolved before it gets worse. One of the best ways to do this is by scheduling repair and maintenance service from a reputed HVAC company.

During a maintenance appointment, a technician will clean your HVAC unit and will inspect all of its parts to ensure it is running properly. If there are any issues, they will repair them for you immediately.

Get in Touch with Galmiche & Sons for HVAC System Repair in St. Louis

Are you a resident or business owner in St. Louis looking for an experienced HVAC company to resolve the issue of your overtaxed HVAC system? If yes, contact Galmiche & Sons to find out more about our HVAC services. From maintenance and upgrades, we can help you tackle a system that is working too hard and get it running efficiently again!

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