Quality heating and cooling services since 1950

A Top Brentwood AC Maintenance Service Company

Routine AC maintenance service is essential because it improves the overall efficiency of your cooling system. If serviced properly, your cooling system (AC) can serve you for at least a decade (or longer). When was the last time you had your AC maintenance done? If you say never, or it has been a long time, Galmiche & Sons can help with your Brentwood AC maintenance and inspection needs.

A Top Brentwood AC Maintenance Service Company

We offer a thorough maintenance checkup that involves inspecting and verifying each component of the AC. This will ensure that you don't waste money on costly repairs and keep your system running at peak efficiency.

To book an AC maintenance appointment, you can call us at 314-993-1110 or reach out to our professional heating and cooling technicians online.

Why Choose Us As Your Brentwood AC Maintenance Service Company?

Over time, an AC unit can break down due to many internal issues. The average homeowner like you might not pick up on these issues that can potentially lead to a breakdown. To identify those issues and solve them, you need to call a professional AC maintenance company. Most of the time a simple part replacement or air conditioner tune-up is all that is required to bring the AC unit to its full functional ability.

Brentwood AC maintenance companies like ours do exactly that. We tune up your AC unit to restore the efficiency of your unit. With over 70 years of experience in the HVAC industry, we have serviced most of the AC brands and models and are familiar with all types of AC problems and challenges. Apart from providing maintenance services, we also repair, supply and install AC units.

Your AC Maintenance Checklist

Call Us Today to Schedule Your Brentwood AC Maintenance Service

When you schedule your AC maintenance, there are some important factors that need to be considered. These are some things that you should expect with your Brentwood AC maintenance service:

  • Clean the Air Filter: Over time, your air filters get clogged with dirt and dust which prevents the smooth flow of air. Your maintenance expert should be sure to check and clean the air filters. This is also a part DIY AC maintenance that you can perform yourself monthly.
  • Check the Refrigerant Lines: The refrigerant lines are located in the air handling unit. Sometimes these refrigerant lines get clogged or develop leaks, and as a result, the cool air turns into hot air. You should expect your HVAC expert to inspect the refrigerant lines to see if there is any clogging or leaking.
  • Clean the Evaporator: The evaporator coils are located inside the interior unit of your AC. Sometimes these coils can develop holes, cracks, and even leaks, and all these can damage the AC unit. Your AC maintenance expert should plan to inspect the evaporator coils for leaks, bends, or holes.
  • Inspect AC Ducts: Mold and dust can accumulate in the ducts over time. When that happens, these pollute the air inside the room as well as reduce air flow. As part of your Brentwood AC maintenance, expect your technician to inspect the ducts and vents for air flow issues.

Call Us Today to Schedule Your Brentwood AC Maintenance Service

If you are looking for comprehensive AC maintenance service in Brentwood, Galmiche & Sons provides exactly that. At Galmiche & Sons, our professionals can handle all types of AC units and provide reliable and quality services. For more details, you contact us at 314-993-1110 or schedule your HVAC maintenance appointment online.

Copyright Heating and Air Conditioning St. Louis by Galmiche & Sons - All rights reserved.

Galmiche & Sons Heating & Cooling - 2280 Chaffee Drive, St. Louis, MO 63146 - Phone: 314-993-1110

Office Hours
Monday - Friday: 7:00 am - 4:30 pm
Saturday: 7:00 am - 11:00 am

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