7 DIY AC Maintenance Tips for Spring

DIY AC Maintenance Tips for Spring

While spring may start out cool in St. Louis, spring always brings with it the inevitable heat wave. Before you break a sweat trying to cool down your home, take a few minutes to do some basic DIY AC maintenance. These seven tips will help keep your AC running smoothly all season long while saving you costly repairs, downtime, and electricity bills.

For more tips on DIY maintenance or to schedule a tune up with our heating and cooling professionals, contact the experts at Galmiche & Sons today.

DIY AC Maintenance Tips You Shouldn’t Skip

Before you read our DIY AC maintenance tips, it is important to make sure your AC unit is properly sized for your home. If it is too small, it will struggle to cool your home properly. If it is too big, it will waste energy and cost you more money. After you are certain you have the right size air conditioner, you are ready to move forward with your DIY maintenance steps.

#1. Inspect the AC unit

The first step is to inspect your AC unit just before or on the first warm day of the season.

  • Inspect your AC unit for damage
  • Make sure the vents are clear and unblocked
  • Check the insulation on your ducts

#2. Check and Replace Dirty Filters

Check your filters and replace them if they are dirty. An old or clogged filter will make your AC work harder and use more energy. So be sure to check and change your air filter at the start of the season and regularly throughout the summer.

#3. Clean the AC and the Surroundings

An important part of any DIY AC maintenance is to check for dirt and debris on your AC unit. Dirt can clog the coils and impact their ability to remove or absorb heat. Clean them either with a garden hose and brush or vacuum them to keep them clean. You will also want to be sure to keep the area around your AC unit clear. Remove any obstructions like plants, furniture, or toys that could block the airflow.

#4. Invest in a Programmable Thermostat

Using a programmable thermostat configured to your schedule will help keep you comfortable and reduce strain on your system. If you have a programmable thermostat, set it to 78 degrees or higher in the summer. Every degree you raise your thermostat can save you 3-5% on your cooling bill. The Department of Energy recommends doing this to conserve energy on days that do not need as much cooling. Ideally, 82 degrees is the temperature setting when you sleep and 85 degrees when you are not at home.

#5. Check and Adjust Refrigerant Levels

Your AC can become less efficient if the refrigerant levels are too high or too low. Adjust the levels as required and ensure any leaks or missing insulation is replaced or repaired on the refrigerant lines and coils.

#6. Test Your AC

It is a great idea to test your AC before spring arrives so that you can schedule repairs and replacements in time. Set the thermostat to a lower temperature than the room temperature, and walk across your home to see how well the AC is cooling throughout each room.

#7: Schedule Professional Inspection

DIY Air Conditioner Maintenance Tips for Spring

An important part of ensuring your AC is ready for the spring is to schedule an AC tune-up from your local HVAC technician. Preventive maintenance and tune-up will involve:

  • Checking the blower motor’s voltage and amperage for efficient operation
  • Testing and calibrating the thermostat
  • Replacing clogged filters
  • Inspecting the bearing, ductwork, and capacitors
  • Inspecting the condenser and evaporator coils
  • Cleaning the condensate drain

Contact Your HVAC Technician to get Your AC Spring-Ready

The best way to keep your AC ready for the spring season is to follow these DIY AC maintenance tips and have it regularly checked by an HVAC technician in St. Louis. This will ensure any necessary tune-ups, repairs, and replacements are carried out before the season kicks in. In St. Louis, contact the experts at Galmiche & Sons today to schedule your appointment.

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