Does Turning Heat Down at Night Actually Save Money?

Does Turning Heat Down at Night Actually Save Money

The short answer is yes! So if you have been turning your heat down at night, you are ahead of the game. While many are already turning heat down at night to save money, many people are not taking advantage of these easy savings. The simple act of turning down heat at night while you are sleeping can help you save nearly $200 a year on your heating bills. Most homeowners, especially new ones, are looking for any way they can to save a little extra cash. Turning the heat down at night is a great way to save and it also keeps your furnace or heat pump from working unnecessarily.

If you are looking for other ways to save on heating & air conditioning costs, give us a call at 314-993-1110. In St. Louis and the surrounding areas, we are always happy to help.

Why You Should Be Turning Your Heat Down at Night

While saving money is usually a great motivation for people to start turning down heat at night, it is not the only reason. It also keeps your heating & air conditioning from needlessly warming a house while everyone is asleep.

We have listed a few things you can do to help maximize your savings when turning down heat at night.

  • Get a programmable thermostat – Investing in a programmable thermostat will really allow you to take advantage of the savings that come with lowering your heat at night. It can be difficult to always remember to set your heat to a lower temperature before bed. A programmable thermostat eliminates this issue and lets you tell your furnace exactly when to lower the heat everyday.
  • Lower the Temp 8 Degrees – Most HVAC technicians agree that when it comes to lowering your heat for the night, 8 degrees is the sweet spot. Lowering the temperature to 8 degrees below the normal setting will help you see big savings. Every degree that you lower your thermostat can result in up to 1% savings on heating bills. Over a year, those savings really add up.
  • Ensure Proper Insulation – While anyone can certainly take advantage of these savings, it is important that your system installation has been done correctly. Contractors should look for areas in your house where you lose heat and ensure that they are sufficiently insulated. This will help make sure you are not losing too much heat during the night when it is extra cold outside, and can help you realize substantial savings.

How Does Turning Down Heat at Night Result in Savings?

Benefits of Turning Heat Down at Night

Cold outdoor air makes structures lose heat quickly, especially if they are poorly insulated. Furnaces and heat pumps must work hard to ensure that indoor temperatures remain consistent and comfortable. The idea is, if you turn down the heat at night, there is less heat to lose, so your furnace does not have to work as hard.

Naturally, it requires some energy to bring your home up to temperature in the morning, but less than it would to heat it all night long.

Still Not Convinced About Turning Down Heat at Night? Give Us a Call

At Galmiche & Sons, we pride ourselves on helping our clients save money; we have been doing it since 1950! In the greater St. Louis and St. Louis county area, give us a call and let us help you with your heating & air conditioning needs.

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