Common Myths About Ductless HVAC Systems

While invented in Japan in the 1970’s, ductless HVAC systems have only been distributed commercially in the United States for about 20 years. With new technology often comes myths and common misconceptions. However, whether your current traditional HVAC system is failing or you are simply looking to upgrade to a more cost effective, energy efficient option, there is a good chance a ductless HVAC system might be the option for you.

Ductless HVAC Systems | St. Louis HVAC Tips

4 Myths About Ductless HVAC Systems

1. Ductless HVAC Systems are Only Used in Newer Construction

While it is true that ductless HVAC systems are more commonplace in homes constructed in the last decade, it is not unheard of for homeowners to install these units in their older homes. Ductless mini-split systems are easier to install than replacing an older traditional unit, keeping labor costs lower. Additionally, if you have an older home with a new addition not connected to your current system, ductless HVAC systems are the perfect solution for providing temperature control without breaking the bank.

Many older homes lack the ability to control room by room temperature, which can be more than inconvenient for family members with different comfortability preferences. Ductless HVAC units provide the luxury of individual room control over both heating and cooling.

2. Ductless HVAC Systems Cause Poor Air Quality

Benefits of Ductless HVAC Systems

It may seem logical that having an HVAC system not connected to a built in duct would result in a harmful distribution of dust throughout your home. However, this myth couldn’t be farther from the truth. Much like traditional HVAC equipment, ductless systems come equipped with a filtration apparatus.

Additionally, the ductless HVAC filtration system is almost always easier to clean than their older counterparts which more often than not force homeowners into small dusty spaces or require the use of ladders. Only soap and water are necessary to clean the easily removable filters in ductless HVACs. The simplicity of the process typically results in cleaning with more frequency, actually improving the air quality of your home.

3. Ductless HVAC Systems Can Cause Uneven Temperature Control

While researching which option may be the best for your home, it might be easy to confuse ductless air conditioning units with window units. Even if a window unit is installed correctly, there may still be unavoidable issues that result in poor and uneven temperature control. Ductless systems eliminate any possibility of air leaks, allowing for complete room by room efficiency.

4. Ductless HVAC Units Eliminate Energy Losses

Although ductless systems do completely reduce the loss of energy through ducts, it is impossible to completely eliminate loss through any HVAC system. However, if you and your family consider conserving energy a priority, ductless HVAC systems are the best current option. Replacing a current traditional system with new technology can heat or cool your room with a fraction of the effort, meaning less unnecessary energy use and greater monthly savings.

Learn More About Ductless HVAC in St. Louis

At Galmiche & Sons, we are on the forefront of new ductless HVAC technology in the St. Louis area. Our family-run company has over 60 years of experience in heating and cooling. Contact our heating and air conditioning experts today and they will be happy to answer any questions you may have and help find the right fit for your home.

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