Ductless Air Conditioning vs. Window Air Conditioners: Pros & Cons

Ductless Air Conditioning Pros & Cons

Thinking of buying a new air conditioner for your home but don’t know where to start? There are many types of air conditioners out on the market today ranging from ductless air conditioning and window air conditioners to central AC units —but buying one for your home often gets to be an overwhelming and confusing process. You need to choose the best one that answers your needs.

This is where help from professionals like the heating & air conditioning experts at Galmiche & Sons in St. Louis can be crucial.

Choosing the Best Air Conditioning System

Ductless Air Conditioning in St. Louis

If you are looking for air conditioning for just a room or part of your home, one of the first things you need to decide is the type of air conditioning system to get. The two most popular air conditioner units include window air conditioners and ductless air conditioners.  A window air conditioner is composed of a single unit that rests on a single base and is installed in the window of a building. On the other hand, a ductless air conditioning system is made up of several parts: an indoor unit, an outdoor unit, and a conduit that connects the two.

If you are deciding which one to get between the two, consider the following advantages and disadvantages of going down the ductless air conditioning route:

Ductless Air Conditioning Advantages

  • Bigger capacity: A ductless AC can cover a larger area, while window ACs are perfect for cooling smaller rooms. If you have large residential rooms, as well as commercial and office spaces, then ductless air conditioning may be best for your needs.
  • More energy-efficient: Ductless air conditioning systems comply with ENERGY STAR guidelines to be energy-efficient, allowing you to save money on utility bills over time. Additionally, these units offer zoning functionality, which allows you to control the temperature in each room, instead of using just one thermostat to cool an entire house.
  • Less noise: Ductless air conditioning is quieter than window units because the compressor that creates the operating sounds of the AC is positioned outside the building. On the other hand, the compressor and evaporator of a window unit are located in the same place, which makes them noisier to operate.
  • Easier to install: Because the unit is less invasive, it is easier to install. The internal unit utilizes less space, and it can be installed in a room that does not have windows. Therefore, this versatility makes it the perfect unit to use for hard-to-reach areas.
  • Sleeker design: Because of its sleek design, the ductless air conditioner is more aesthetically pleasing than a window AC.

Ductless Air Conditioning Disadvantages

  • More expensive upfront cost: If budget is a major concern, the window AC has a relatively cheaper cost than ductless air conditioning. However, this is more than made up for by the lowered energy costs in the long run.
  • Outside space limitations: Because the unit requires outdoor as well as indoor installation, if you want to have ductless air conditioning installed, you must have enough outdoor space for the mounting of the compressor unit. This can be a problem in some circumstances.

Contact Us for Ductless Air Conditioning Installation Services in St. Louis

If you still can’t decide on what kind of air conditioning to get, ask a professional for help. Galmiche & Sons can help you choose which option will be the best for your home and your needs. For all of your heating & air conditioning needs in the greater St. Louis area, please call us at 314-993-1110!

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