4 Surprising Tips to Lower Your Heating Bill

Tips to Lower Your Heating Bill

With winter almost underway, most folks have kicked on their heaters. It is always nice to feel warm and cozy at home, but sometimes the heating bills are not great. Luckily, we have some helpful tips to lower your heating bill. Taking some steps to lower your heating bill can help keep you warm and cozy all through the winter, without breaking the bank. At Galmiche & Sons, we want to help you lower your heating bill and avoid any unwanted costs through the chilly months.

To speak with someone about handy ways to lower your heating bill, call 314-993-1110 and connect with one of our St. Louis area heating & air conditioning professionals today.

What Are Ways to Lower Your Heating Bill?

Here at Galmiche & Sons, we have been in the HVAC industry for over seventy years. During our time, we have learned some handy ways for you to lower your heating bill. We believe in doing everything we can to help our customers save money with their HVAC system. That is why we put together this quick list of ways to lower your heating bill.

Our top 4 tips for saving on heating and gas bills:

  • Ditch the Fireplace – Sitting in front of a crackling fire during the wintertime is magical, but fireplaces can be costly. Your chimney pulls warm air out of your house, making it more expensive to heat. Ensure your damper is closed when not in use. The occasional fire is OK, but try not use it as your primary source of heat.
  • Go Programmable – A programmable thermostat is a sure-fire way to save on your heating costs. They allow you dial in the heating of your home, for instance: turning the heat down while everyone is asleep. This is a fantastic way to not only save money, but also extend the life of your system.
  • Check Your Windows & Doors – Make sure you lock your windows and doors during the winter. This helps to seal up all the little cracks and crevices that can allow cold air to seep in.
  • Check Your Showers – Nothing quite beats a steamy hot shower on a frigid day, but did you know those showers could be costing you? While it might not be the furnace, your water heater works hard to heat up the water for your long showers, which transfers costs to your bill. Long showers really start to add up. By cutting down on lengthy showers and using warm water instead hot, you can help lower your energy bill.

Saving on Your Bills Doesn’t Mean You Have to Freeze!

These tips do not mean that you must live in an icebox all winter! Here at Galmiche & Sons, we believe in using a balance of all the above tips to save. By making just a few small adjustments, you can gain a good amount of savings on your monthly energy bills.

Interested in More Ways to Lower Your Heating Bill? Call Us!

How to Lower Your Heating Bill

At Galmiche & Sons, we are the heating & air conditioning experts in St. Louis. Give us a call at 314-993-1110 with any of your HVAC questions or to learn how HVAC maintenance can help you save on heating bills as well.

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