Air Conditioner Troubleshooting: What to Do When Your AC Compressor Won’t Turn On

AC Compressor Trobleshooting

Since it is officially the start of summer, most homeowners and businesses in St. Louis will be blasting their air conditioners to withstand the scorching heat. Most ACs are working to full capacity during the hot summer months, which can take its toll on the units. Particularly, the AC compressor could break down, especially if the unit has not been properly maintained.

If your AC compressor won’t turn on, this does not necessarily mean a death sentence for your unit. In fact, most problems with an AC compressor can be repaired with a quick fix.

What is An AC Compressor?

But first, what exactly is an AC compressor, and what does it do for your air conditioner unit? The modern air conditioner is made up of several components, and at its heart is the AC compressor, which plays a crucial role in your heating and cooling system.

The compressor is usually located outside the building. As the name implies, it compresses the gaseous refrigerant fluid and turns it into liquid form thus creating a cooling effect to keep the rooms inside a building cool and comfortable.

Quick Fixes for Small Problems

AC Compressor Won't Turn On

Unfortunately, the AC compressor is not immune to problems. If yours is acting up or won’t turn on, here are some of things you can do before calling a heating and cooling company.

  • Check for faulty electrical wiring: Make sure that the unit is connected to an outlet and that there is power going to the air conditioner. Examine all the wires. If you spy a tripped breaker or a blown fuse, this can be an easy fix. If you notice a problem with a wire or connection, call an electrician or HVAC company to have it fixed.
  • Clean the unit: Over time, dirt and debris can build up on the evaporators, filters, and condensers. A clogged condenser coil could be the reason why your compressor won’t turn on, so make sure to clean it and to replace your filters every three months.
  • Reset the unit: Most air conditioning units have a “reset” button located near the outside unit. If resetting the air conditioner unit does not solve the problem, then there could be a bigger technical problem that needs to be resolved by a professional.
  • Check the drain line: The drain line can get clogged during the condensation process, which trips the safety switch and shuts down the unit. Use a vacuum to drain the blockage, or take steps to clean your AC condensate drain line.
  • Check the compressor parts: The capacitor and starter relays give power to your AC compressor. If you have the skills, you can replace these parts quite easily. If not, you can seek the assistance of an HVAC professional.
  • Replace the AC compressor: If replacing the capacitor and starter relays do not work, you may need to have the compressor replaced. As this replacement can be costly, you will also, want to consider having your AC replaced by a new unit, especially if yours is old or outdated.

Call the St. Louis AC Compressor Specialists in St. Louis

If you have already gone through these steps and are still encountering problems with your AC compressor, call Galmiche & Sons at 314-993-1110 for your heating and air conditioning needs. We can evaluate your system, diagnose problems, and provide expert repairs to help you avoid getting stuck with a malfunctioning air conditioning unit this summer.

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