Tips to Keep Warm This Winter without Breaking the Bank

Looking for tips to keep warm this winter without breaking the bank? With continually rising energy costs and growing environmental concerns, ensuring both comfort and energy efficiency can seem like an uphill task. The good news is you can maximize comfort in your home while minimizing energy bills with a few smart tips and tricks. Read on to learn some of our favorite smart tips to keep warm without cranking up your energy bills this winter.

Tips to Keep Warm this Winter

To learn more or schedule an appointment to have your HVAC system serviced so it is ready to run efficiently this winter, contact our St. Louis heating and air conditioning experts at Galmiche & Sons.

Tips to Keep Warm This Winter

Seal Windows and Doors

Drafts tend to seep in across tiny cracks or crevices even when the doors and windows are completely shut and locked. One way to inspect your window and door frames for cracks is to light an incense stick and gently bring it near the doors and windows. If there is a draft coming through tiny openings, you will immediately notice that the smoke blows in a different direction.

You can use shrink film or caulk to seal these tiny cracks or cover windows with transparent shower curtains to keep the cold draft out. Cloth draft stoppers can be effective in sealing the bottom of your doors. If the hole in windows or doors is significantly big, use spray foam in place of caulk.


About 10 percent of heat loss is attributed to uninsulated floors in your home, while up to 25 percent of heat loss occurs through the roof. Adding area rugs to laminate flooring, wood, and tile will help retain heat and warm up your feet. You can also install extra insulation in your walls and attic to conserve heat. Finally, an inexpensive way to prevent heat loss is to use insulating curtains on windows and doors. The thicker the insulating curtains, the better.

Use a Humidifier

As humidity holds warmth better than dry air, so adding a humidifier is one of the best tips to keep warm in winters without breaking the bank. A whole-house humidifier is ideal, but you can also use humidifiers only in rooms that are occupied. An added advantage of using humidifiers is that the moisture protects your skin from the dry climate in winter while safeguarding you against static electricity.

Adjust the Thermostat

Tips to Keep Warm and Save on Heating Bills

Using a smart or programmable thermostat, you can also adjust the settings to help you save on energy costs. For example, you can optimize your indoor temperatures by turning down the thermostat when you sleep and when no one is home. You can program the thermostat to start warming up half an hour before arriving home after work or waking in the morning. This way, you can have the best of both worlds – lower energy bills and a warm home.

Get Your HVAC Professionally Inspected

Finally, a crucial step in ensuring that your HVAC system runs efficiently all winter, is to have professional furnace maintenance performed at the beginning of the season. The beginning of fall is the ideal time to call an HVAC professional to inspect your fireplace, furnace, and central heating system. Just as the AC, your furnace and heating system need to be cleaned thoroughly to prevent clogging. Clogged and dirty systems need to work harder to heat up your home, which raises your winter energy bills.

Schedule HVAC Maintenance to Keep You Warm This Winter

If you are looking for the best HVAC professional in St. Louis, you can rely on Galmiche & Sons to ensure your system gives its best at all times. Contact us today to schedule your fall furnace maintenance and learn more about our tips to keep warm all winter long with an energy efficient system. Contact our heating and air conditioning experts online or by phone at 314-993-1110.

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