Do’s and Don’ts for HVAC Energy Efficiency

HVAC Energy Efficiency Tips

With the colder weather upon us, it is important to have your heating system ready and up to the task of providing warmth and comfort to you and your loved ones this winter season. However, when it comes to heating your home, the costs can get pretty expensive. We  have provided a list of some do’s and don’ts to help you improve the efficiency of your HVAC system this winter and keep your system working efficiently all winter long.

If you need help improving the HVAC energy efficiency of your St. Louis area home this winter, then contact our heating & air conditioning experts today at 314-993-1110 to schedule a service appointment and to learn more.

What You Can Do to Improve Your Home’s HVAC Energy Efficiency

Here are some of the things you should be doing in order to improve the HVAC energy efficiency of your home in St. Louis this winter:

St. Louis HVAC Energy Efficiency

  • Set an early maintenance appointment. Ask your HVAC company to maintain and clean your heating system before the onset of the winter months. This will ensure that your unit is operating efficiently and will be able to keep up with the demands that the colder months will bring.
  • Clean air filters regularly. This prevents dust and debris from accumulating inside your furnace and improves the air quality inside the home. It also lessens the load on the furnace, thereby improving its HVAC energy efficiency.
  • Winterize your home. If your house has poor insulation, you could be spending a lot of extra money on your energy bills due to poor HVAC energy efficiency. To prevent this from happening, you need to take steps to prepare your home from the onslaught of cold weather. Properly seal all the windows and doors through caulking and weather stripping, check the insulation levels in your attic, and place draft stoppers under the door to prevent the cold draft from seeping in.
  • Install a programmable thermostat. This will make it easy for you to automatically dial down the heat when you leave for work or get ready for bed. Using preset functions allows your HVAC system to work less when you are away or asleep, increasing HVAC energy efficiency.
  • Inspect ductwork for leaks. Some of the air could be leaking in the ductwork, causing the unit to work even harder to provide warm air throughout your home. For better results, ask the help of an HVAC professional who will assess your ductwork for damage or leaks.

What Not to Do

On the other hand, here are a couple of things you should avoid or stop doing to help improve HVAC energy efficiency:

  • Do not turn off your heating system. If you are leaving the house, instead of completely turning the system off, dial down the heat by about 10 degrees. Turning the system on and off will only result in decreased HVAC energy efficiency.
  • Do not attempt to fix the problem on your own. Attempting to fix the unit on your own—without the technical skills and proper equipment—will often only aggravate the problem.
  • Do not wait until the last minute to call an HVAC company. Sometimes, we have a bad habit of postponing a simple repair visit due to our busy schedules. Unfortunately, the longer you postpone a repair, the bigger the problem becomes, and the more expensive the repair costs will be.

Learn More About HVAC Energy Efficiency

For further assistance improving your HVAC energy efficiency and to schedule an appointment, call our St. Louis heating & air conditioning company today at 314-993-1110.

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