Top Seasonal HVAC Maintenance Tips to Prepare Your AC for Summer

Seasonal HVAC Maintenance Tips to Prepare Your AC for Summer

Spring might be bright, sunny, and fresh, with the promise of summer just around the corner. But if you are a homeowner or a commercial property manager, spring is also time to start thinking about your seasonal HVAC maintenance. This helps you get your AC system ready for the boiling heat that accompanies summer in St. Louis. In this article, we explore what seasonal HVAC maintenance you need to do to get your AC ready for summer.

To learn more or schedule your seasonal HVAC maintenance service to make sure your air conditioning is ready for summer, contact us online or by phone at 314-993-1110.

Seasonal HVAC Maintenance Tips for Spring

Seasonal HVAC Maintenance Tip 1 – Unclog the Clogged AC filters 

Your AC system’s filters play an important role in keeping the dirt and pathogens out of your home while cool air flows in. Over time, this debris builds up, causing your filters to do a poor job. Summer season is also when allergy season starts. You do not want your kids, elderly parents, and/or pets to experience an allergy attack from the debris that is not getting filtered out.

Plus, clogged filters affect the flow of air from the AC, too, making your AC system work less efficiently. Plus, your AC may consume more electricity to operate – which can rake up your bills in the summer, given how often the AC system will be on during this season.

Our Next Maintenance Tip – Check for Leaks with the AC system

The AC refrigerant is a chemical that is loaded into the coils in the condenser and evaporator in your system. The refrigerant’s job is to help produce cool air in your AC system so that your property always receives cold and refreshing airflow.

If the coils are damaged, the refrigerant might start to leak and evaporate. This can cause your AC system to overheat, releasing warm air instead. This can be very uncomfortable for you and other residents during the summer when temperatures are already so hot. So, it is necessary to get your AC checked and fix any refrigerant leaks before the summer heat begins.

Have an Expert Clean the AC Condenser Coils as Part of Seasonal HVAC Maintenance

Even if the refrigerant is not leaking, a dirty coil system can hamper the refrigerant. That can lead to increasing temperatures within your home or office space too. Any debris in the AC system will make your AC perform poorly and increase energy use throughout the day.

It is important to have an experienced HVAC specialist to do this for you since the condenser coils are very sensitive and susceptible to bending or breakage.

Schedule HVAC Maintenance to Have the AC Unit Inspected, Cleaned, and Repaired

Seasonal HVAC Maintenance Tips for Your AC

Even if you implement the above tips, over time, you may notice your AC system becomes less efficient. This is often due to age and overuse. In such cases, it helps to open the entire AC unit and get everything checked out.

Our experts at Galmiche & Sons have immense experience offering residential HVAC repairs and commercial HVAC services. We can visit your property, take a closer look at your AC system, clean up any debris, and repair any faults to ensure your system is ready for summer. Our team will inspect the entire AC unit and get it ready for summer. If you need any parts replaced, we can source premium-quality parts from reputed suppliers in the country.

In St. Louis and the surrounding areas, contact us today to schedule your seasonal HVAC maintenance service.

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