Important Fall Furnace Maintenance Steps for your Home

Fall Furnace Maintenance | St. Louis HVAC Tips

Now that summer days have come to an end, whether you have owned your home for decades or are new to home ownership, fall furnace maintenance should be on the top of your to do list.

In order to properly evaluate your HVAC unit, it is important to understand the working components. In every traditional furnace and HVAC system there are three main working parts. The electrical settings, blower mechanics, and ventilation system work together providing temperature control and comfort throughout your home. Each of these components comes with certain maintenance requirements to make sure the system is working properly.

Fall Furnace Maintenance: Inspect the Ventilation System

The ducts of your ventilation system allow your HVAC system to distribute air throughout your home. This system should be clean and tightly sealed in order to ensure proper performance and efficiency. As you evaluate this system, it is important to check for any debris that may be causing a blockage or inefficiency as well as any damage or gaps that are visible to the naked eye.

4 Important Items for Your Fall Furnace Maintenance Checklist

  1. Seal air leaks: When sealing duct joints, be sure to use metal-back duct sealers. While duct tape is often seen as a catch all for sealing imperfections, it is also prone to brittleness and breakage when temperatures decrease. You should also tighten connections with metal screws while making your fall furnace maintenance inspections.
  2. Add insulation where necessary: Basements, garages, and attics are often times not connected to your home HVAC system. Double check the doors to these sections of your home. Any unwanted draft will affect your HVAC’s ability to function. Take special care to add extra insulation in these areas as needed.
  3. Replace damaged vents and ducts: Be sure to immediately replace any ducts or air vents that appear moldy or rusty. Neglecting these types of damage will deplete the air quality of your home significantly and increase the risk of airborne illness.
  4. Clean or replace air filters: Air filter replacement is a commonly overlooked step in fall furnace maintenance. Replacing your filter is the easiest most affordable way to promote good air quality and improve furnace efficiency.

Fall Furnace Maintenance: Configure Electrical Connections & Settings

Fall Furnace Maintenance Tips | St. Louis HVAC

Once your ventilation system is in proper working order, the next important part of your fall furnace maintenance will be to configure your electrical settings and thermostat. You may want to consider replacing your antiquated thermostat with a newer model as this can be beneficial to both your wallet and energy conservation. How many times have you left your home only to realize you have forgotten to adjust the temperature in your home for your absence? New technology in smart thermostats allows you the luxury of adjusting the thermostat in your home remotely through your smartphone or tablet.

Fall Furnace Maintenance: Check Your Blower

Lastly, and perhaps the most important item on your fall furnace maintenance to do list is to inspect your blower motor. This vital component of your HVAC system distributes heat throughout your home. Clear the motor of any dirt as well as obvious blockages that may be impeding its ability to function. If you notice any greater problems with your blower motor such as squeaking as part of your fall furnace maintenance, it is best to call the professionals to schedule an inspection and repair.

Schedule a Professional Fall Furnace Maintenance Checkup

The final step to any furnace maintenance routine should be to schedule an appointment with your local heating and cooling company. While there are many things you can do yourself, professional maintenance will ensure your system is working at peak efficiency.

Galmiche & Sons has over half a century of experience providing heating and cooling services to customers throughout the St. Louis area. If you are serious about preparing your home for the oncoming cold, our heating & air conditioning team is here to help with your fall furnace maintenance!

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