Smart HVAC: The Next Step in Home Automation

Smart HVAC: The Next Step in Home Automation

When you realize it might be time for air conditioner replacement, this can be a bit intimidating and seem like a big hassle. If your old HVAC system has completely broken down, it is even more so. One of the silver linings of replacing your HVAC system though, is that you get an opportunity to update your system. There are a lot of very cool new HVAC technologies to choose from. In particular, smart HVAC systems have recently become more widely available, and offer a whole host of benefits that can help you stay more comfortable and save energy.

To learn more about smart HVAC systems and to find out what is best for your home, get in touch with your heating & air conditioning professionals at Galmiche & Sons in St. Louis today.

Smart HVAC Features for Comfort and Savings

What makes a smart HVAC system so great? A smart system will learn your habits and preferences over time and adjust automatically. So rather than having to always set times when you want it cooler (maybe at night), or want the AC off, the HVAC system figures this out on its own, and can do a lot to make cooling your home more efficient.

In addition to this, a smart HVAC system can track the difference between outdoor and indoor temperatures, using more power on a hot day, and reducing the power output on cooler days. Finally, you can connect your HVAC system to phones and other smart devices. That means if you leave the AC running accidentally, it is easy to switch off from wherever you are, saving you that much more.

Expanding on the Programmable Thermostat

Smart HVAC & Home Automation

In many ways, the smart HVAC system builds on the ways in which programmable thermostat savings reduce energy costs for many homes. Being able to set times when you are away does a lot to cut down on energy costs and can reduce your energy bill by as much as 20%. Plus, the lower energy use is great for the environment.

This increased efficiency also means more comfort for you. Not only does a smart system do a better job at keeping you cool when needed, but the reduced stress on your HVAC system from smoother operation means less wear and tear, less repair costs, and less potential for a breakdown in the future. That, of course, is the ultimate comfort-killer, as you will be without AC until the problem is fixed.

Is It Time For a Smart HVAC System Upgrade?

If all of this sounds good, it might be worth switching to a smart HVAC system if you need to replace your current AC. The professional heating & air conditioning team at Galmiche & Sons can help you determine if a smart system is really right for you, considering things like cost and your home’s heating and cooling needs. Smart HVAC systems are a bit pricier than others are, but the energy savings and more reliable operation are well worth it for many homeowners. As an added bonus, there are sometimes rebates and other discounts available for high efficiency models, of which many smart HVAC systems are.

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