Can Temperature Zoning Really Save Money on HVAC Bills?

Can Temperature Zoning Save Money on HVAC Bills

There are a few different reasons you might be looking into a temperature zoning system for your home. For some, there are different heating and cooling needs in different parts of the home. For others, temperature zoning might be a way to save on energy bills and get more out of your HVAC system.

But, does it really work? In a word, yes. When used correctly, different temperature zones can help you reduce your energy bills and maintain a well-functioning HVAC system. Not every home is an ideal candidate for temperature zones, but many are.

In St. Louis and the surrounding area, your heating & air conditioning team at Galmiche & Sons can help you determine if zones would be right for you. Get in touch today and one of our friendly service technicians can schedule a time to come out to your home, answer any questions you may have, and give you an assessment!

How Does Temperature Zoning Work?

Part of the beauty of temperature zoning is that it is a relatively simple addition to a home HVAC system. Rather than one central point of control, your home is outfitted with a variety of thermostats in different rooms or zones. Then, you can set different temperatures at each of these thermostats and your HVAC system will close dampers in your ducts in order to direct air into or out of different zones.

You might be thinking, wait isn’t this similar to just closing the vent covers in a room that you don’t want warm air to reach? Not exactly, there is a big difference! With temperature zoning, your ductwork is set up to maintain proper airflow in spite of the zoning. Without these adjustments, air would not flow properly through your HVAC system, causing wear and tear along with inefficiency.

Can Zoning Save Me Money?

Temperature Zoning Saves Money on HVAC Bills

This is where the question of temperature zoning and home heating efficiency gets interesting. Yes, temperature zoning can help you save money on heating costs by not heating parts of your home that do not need it and by more quickly adjusting the temperature throughout your home when you change the target temp. Plus, a lot of temperature zoning systems come with smart thermostat technology that can make setting temperatures and adjusting them from afar easier than ever.

Like any HVAC setup, though, this only works if everything is installed correctly and carefully. If the proper adjustments are not made to your ductwork, or there are big gaps or leaks, you might not see any efficiency gains from temperature zoning. Similarly, temperature zones work best with a multi-stage central system with variable speed airflow. This allows the system to use low power settings — adjusting for different rooms — and maintain a set temperature without running at full speed. Homes with this kind of central air are the best candidates for temperature zoning, though it can work with other systems as well.

Find Out if Your System Would Benefit from Temperature Zoning

To learn more and figure out if your home’s heating & air conditioning is a good candidate for temperature zoning, get in touch with Galmiche & Sons in St. Louis today.

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