Winter Heating Tips for Pet Parents

Winter Heating Tips for Pet Parents in St. Louis

When the air in St. Louis turns bitterly cold, your pet can feel it just as well as you do. Bone-chilling temperatures bring risks of hypothermia and frostbite in pets, with dogs that have short hair and thin coats worse off. Consider these winter heating tips to keep your furry children comfortably warm. You may also want to think about upgrading your furnace and HVAC system, especially if you are interested in having a smart, connected home.

Whether you are planning on upgrading your furnace or just need to schedule regular maintenance, we can help. Galmiche and Sons can fill you in with the latest heating and cooling trends and keep your HVAC system running efficiently. To learn more call us at 314-993-1110.

Best Ways to Keep Your Pet & Home Warm

Following basic winter heating tips like eliminating air leaks and drafts, closing vents in unused rooms, and optimizing the use of your humidifier are simple yet effective steps that will contribute to a warmer home and ensure that your home stays warm for you and your pets. There are also some easy and affordable ways to ensure that your pet is adequately protected against the cold. Check out these effective winter heating tips for pets.

Indoor Protection Against the Chill

  • Add an extra layer of blankets to create a warm and cozy napping area.
  • Get a snuggle sack for your pet to retreat into when the air gets nippy.
  • Get a heated cat or dog bed. It automatically sets to an optimal temperature or can be adjusted to a safe temperature for your pet.
  • Use a programmable thermostat to maintain a consistent temperature even when you are away from home.

Best Ways to Keep Your Pet & Home Warm

Outdoor Protection Against the Cold

  • A pet sweater or jacket will keep your furry companion adequately warm. It is highly recommended for short hair breeds less tolerant to the cold.
  • Provide a weather-resistant shelter for outdoor pets. Keep your pet’s bed elevated and add blankets for additional warmth.
  • Install a heat lamp inside your pet’s kennel to maintain the warmth of the area.
  • Use a heated pet water bowl outdoors to keep the water from freezing and ensure your pet stays hydrated.
  • Limit outdoor activities for pets during extreme weather conditions, and engage them in indoor activities instead.
  • When the temperature drops sharply, bring your pets in to prevent frostbite or hypothermia.

More Winter Heating Tips for Pets

  • Maintain an appropriate coat length for your pet. Longer coats do provide insulation but regularly groomed fur allows for better air circulation and keeps skin issues at bay.
  • Before taking your dog for a walk on the snow, rub some pet balm on their paws. It will minimize the dry skin and damage salt can cause and keep your pet’s paws soft and supple.
  • Pets need more calories in winter to provide the extra energy their bodies need to fight off the cold. Consult your veterinarian to adjust your pet’s diet according to the season.
  • Track the weather forecast and plan your pet care routine accordingly.

Get an HVAC Check-Up from Galmiche & Sons to Keep Warm

The best winter heating tip to ensure you and your pets stay comfortable in any season is to schedule regular check-ups and HVAC maintenance from Galmiche & Sons. From furnace tune ups and filter changes to energy-efficient furnace installation, our services are comprehensive and carried out to the highest standards. If you want to learn more or schedule your HVAC maintenance, call us at 314-993-1110 or fill our online form.

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