How Upgrading Your Furnace Saves Money on Your Power Bill

How Upgrading Your Furnace Saves Money on Your Power Bill

Are you a St. Louis resident looking to buy a new furnace but aren’t sure if it is the right choice? Upgrading your furnace requires a significant investment. So, it is natural to think about this several times before deciding. As you think about buying a new unit, you should know that upgrading your furnace isn’t just about replacing an old unit with a new one. It also includes optimizing its components for better efficiency and energy savings.

So, if you are not ready to upgrade your furnace entirely, you may be able to replace some of its components and save money on your power bill. Read on to learn several strategic ways you can upgrade your furnace with new energy-efficient options.

To learn more or request a quote for your new HVAC system upgrade or replacement, contact Galmiche & Sons today.

Tips to Upgrade Your Furnace & Save Money

Consider Upgrading Your Furnace Blower

Tips to Upgrade Your Furnace & Save Money

When it comes to your furnace, the blower is its most vital component. It is responsible for distributing warm air throughout your home. So, when thinking about upgrading certain parts of your furnace, the blower should be your first pick.

Switching to an energy-efficient blower brings better airflow control and cuts down on energy use. These upgraded blowers have variable-speed motors that adjust airflow based on how much heat your home needs, using less energy than the old single-speed ones. This smarter airflow not only boosts comfort but also trims your energy bills.

Upgrading Your Furnace Filter

Another effective tip for upgrading your furnace is by switching to high-efficiency furnace filters. New and advanced furnace filters improve indoor air quality while also boosting the system’s efficiency. They do this by trapping more dust, allergens, and particles and preventing them from clogging the system.

Improved airflow due to a clean filter reduces strain on the furnace, allowing it to operate more efficiently. So, you will be able to enjoy cleaner indoor air and save money on power bills as well. It’s a win-win!

Switch to a New Thermostat

Are you still using those old, traditional thermostats? If yes, consider upgrading your thermostat to a newer, more advanced model. A smart thermostat is a game-changer when it comes to improving your furnace’s efficiency.

Let go of your manual thermostats and choose a programmable one for precise temperature control and scheduling. These advanced thermostats enable you to set heating schedules tailored to your lifestyle, optimizing energy usage by adjusting temperatures when you’re away or asleep. You will also get the ability to control your heating settings remotely. This prevents unnecessary energy consumption and reduces energy bills.

Contact Galmiche & Sons to Learn More About Upgrading Your Furnace in St. Louis

While the initial cost of upgrading your furnace might seem daunting, consider it an investment. Over time, as the savings on your energy bills accumulate, they will offset the upfront expense. Further, upgrading certain parts of your furnace is a more budget-friendly option than buying a new unit entirely.

If you have finally made a choice about upgrading your furnace in St. Louis, we at Galmiche & Sons can help you with the process. After being in the HVAC industry for over seven successful decades, we have acquired the expertise and experience to recommend and install energy-efficient furnace components tailored to your home’s needs. Contact our heating and air conditioning experts today to learn more!

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