Signs You Need Heat Pump Repairs or Service

A heat pump provides both cooling and heating for your home and is part of the HVAC system installed on your home’s exterior. In the winter months, the pump pushes out cold air and pulls in heat into your home while doing the exact opposite in summers. A properly functioning heat pump is the key to optimizing your comfort throughout the year. Knowing the common signs of trouble that call for heat pump repairs or service is the first step to ensuring your system performs at its peak.

Signs You Need Heat Pump Repairs or Service

To learn more or schedule a service or repair appointment with our heating and air conditioning professionals, contact the us at Galmiche & Sons today!

Common Signs You Need Heat Pump Repairs

When Do You Need Heat Pump Repair

While there are various signs that show it is time for heat pump repairs, here are the five main ones to watch out for. If you notice one or more of the below-described signs, call the heat pump repair professionals in St. Louis at Galmiche & Sons.

  • Old age: Depending on the usage and how well they are maintained, heat pumps last anywhere from 12 to 15 years. If your heat pump is 12 or more years old, it may not be working as efficiently as it did earlier. Schedule heat pump repairs if your system has not been serviced in some time.
  • Poor airflow: Heat pumps keep the temperatures in your home at a steady level by moving air into and out of your home. If the airflow is blocked due to dust, ice buildup, or foreign objects, you may notice that the heating and cooling is not efficient. Reduced airflow is one of the reasons to schedule heat pump repairs.
  • Loud noises: While heat pumps make more noises compared to conventional HVAC systems, unfamiliar, new noises are red flags that indicate your heat pump needs professional inspection. Loud metal banging can indicate loose parts in the pump, while rattling noises or vibrations can be due to a loose cover panel, air handler issues, or other serious problems. Gurgling or grinding noises can be due to dirty motor bearings or malfunctioning coils. Call your HVAC professional to inspect your heat pump immediately if you hear strange, loud noises such as these from your heat pump.
  • Inefficient cooling and heating: If your home is not at a comfortable temperature, it can be a sign that the heat pump is starting to wear out. An inefficient heat pump can increase your energy bills, indicating it is time for heat pump repairs.
  • Frequent cycling: A worn heat pump, restricted airflow, or malfunctioning thermostat are some factors that can cause your heat pump to cycle off and on constantly. These issues may also cause the heat pump to turn off before the desired temperature is reached. Contact your St. Louis HVAC technician immediately if short cycling is the issue.

Contact a Trusted Heat Pump Repair Professional in St. Louis

At Galmiche & Sons, we prioritize your comfort. We combine our extensive experience, expertise, and state-of-the-art tools to offer superior heat pump service and repairs in St. Louis. Reach out to us online or by phone to contact our heating and air conditioning professionals for all your heat pump servicing and repair requirements.

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