Ways to Combat Fall Allergies with HVAC

Combat Fall Allergies with HVAC Tips

Fall allergies plague a large number of people in the St. Louis area. Allergy sufferers are all too familiar with the difficulty the changes of season can have on day to day life. Spring and fall are often the hardest seasons for our bodies to adjust to. Every year, Americans suffer from fall allergies displaying themselves in hay fever or allergy induced rhinitis. Symptoms of these allergy induced conditions include, but are not limited to, uncomfortable bouts of coughing, runny nose, sneezing, itching and watering eyes, and debilitating congestion. Minimizing your fall allergies may be as simple as contacting your local HVAC company.

Adjusting Your HVAC for Fall Allergies

A few minor tweaks to your HVAC system can reduce your family’s susceptibility to fall allergies greatly. Fall months in St. Louis mean the temperature is in the process of cooling down. Some days may still be warmer than others, and nights often become chilly. If your HVAC system is not properly maintained and cleaned, fall allergies can skyrocket. With a well maintained system, the simple act of turning on your air conditioner and exhaust fans normally located in your bathroom and kitchen will help circulate clean air throughout your home.

Fight Fall Allergies | St. Louis HVAC Tips

If you or members of your family are prone to fall victim to fall allergies, it might be a good idea to consider replacing your current air filter with hypoallergenic filters. These filters are specifically designed to accommodate allergy sufferers. Replacing your current brand with specialized hypoallergenic filters can measurably improve air quality.

For serious allergy sufferers, whole home purifiers may be an investment worth making. Integrating this addition into your HVAC system dramatically improves the air quality of your home. Whole home purifiers work alongside your current heating and cooling system, absorbing small particles and bacteria in the air.

You may also want to consider using a dehumidifier in your home. Dehumidifiers help to reduce fall allergies by decreasing the amount of dust mites and mold causing moisture infiltrating your home.

While optimizing your HVAC system is key to reducing your fall allergies, it may also be necessary to visit a medical professional. Your doctor can help you learn why your symptoms occur and prescribe medication and other tools to fight this seasonal battle.

How Can Galmiche & Sons Prevent Your Fall Allergies This Season?

Galmiche & Sons has a dedicated team of heating and cooling professionals. With just a phone call, our team of specialists can help with quotes for your next step. Let our family-run heating & air conditioning company prove to you why, for over 60 years Galmiche & Sons has been the preferred option for St. Louis homes. Call today and make your fall allergies a thing of the past.

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