Radiant Heating vs. Furnace Heating: Benefits & Disadvantages of Each

Radiant Heat vs. Furnace Heat

As the air starts to cool, the need to be warm and cozy sets in almost automatically. From curling up with hot chocolate to bringing those big, fluffy blankets out from summer storage, there are a lot of ways to get ready for the coming chill. One you might not be considering, though, is upgrading or changing your HVAC system to provide better heat this fall and winter.

If you think it might be time for a heating re-vamp, fall is the time to get it done before the winter chill comes. This fall, as part of your fall maintenance checklist, ask Galmiche & Sons, your St. Louis heating & air conditioning service team, if a new heating system is right for you.

The Furnace is No Longer Your Only Option

One reason to consider an upgrade is that your heating options have expanded significantly in recent years. A furnace is still a great option for some homes, but in other situations, the radiant heat vs. furnace matchup has a clear winner: radiant heat. Radiant heat systems work through heating coils installed under your floorboards. With no ductwork to worry about — and therefore no ductwork leaks, radiant heat can be simpler to take care of and save you money. One reason why you might decide on radiant heat in the radiant heat vs. furnace matchup is that radiant heat systems are cheaper to operate and maintain.

In addition to radiant heat vs. furnaces, you could also consider a heat pump, which is somewhere between the two. A heat pump does not heat air and then force it through your home like a furnace, rather it uses electricity to transfer heat much like an AC unit. A heat pump is also easier to maintain and more energy efficient than a furnace, but that does not mean the heat pump vs. furnace question is a done deal either.

Radiant Heating vs. Furnace Heating

Radiant Heat vs. Furnace Heat: Is Furnace Heating the Best?

After these comparisons of the heat pump and radiant heating vs. furnace heating, you might be wondering what advantages if any, there are to furnace heating. Sure, a furnace can be more finicky to manage and takes more energy, but it can also provide a lot more heat. So this is the big trade-off in the radiant heat vs. furnace debate. Other, more modern options may be more energy efficient and cleaner to operate and install, but they do not provide the full power of a classic furnace. So, in making the radiant heat vs. furnace consideration for your own home, the biggest question to ask is “how much heat do I need?”

For a large or drafty space, or if you live somewhere that gets very cold, the radiant heat vs. furnace question is an easy one: a furnace is the way to go. If you are more concerned about energy efficiency though and think you can make do with less heating power, radiant heat or a heat pump might be a smart choice.

Find Out More About Radiant Heat vs. Furnace Heating Options

Whatever your heating & air conditioning needs and your leanings furnace or radiant heat, the HVAC team at Galmiche & Sons can help you sort through the options and decide on the best system for you.

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