Heat Pump vs. Furnace: Which Is Right for You?

When it comes to updating your heating system or replacing a furnace, you have a few options for heating your home effectively. For most homes, the most relevant options to consider are a heat pump vs. a furnace. These two heating methods are the most common for residential HVAC systems, and there are pros and cons on both sides in the heat pump vs. furnace debate.

Heat Pump vs. Furnace

Of course, the best way to decide what is right for your HVAC system, from determining whether it is time to upgrade to deciding between a heat pump vs. a furnace, is to talk to your heating & air conditioning service team. In the greater St. Louis area, give the experts at Galmiche & Sons a call and get a professional opinion!

Understanding Heat Pumps

Before you contact the professionals though, you can take a look at how heat pumps work, and learn about some of the pros and cons of heat pumps vs. furnaces. For example, a heat pump does not burn fuel to create heated air and then force it around your home like a furnace. Instead, heat pumps work somewhat more like an air conditioner, using electricity to transfer heat into the air and then distributing it. In fact, many heat pumps are offered as a combination heating and cooling system, so a heat pump is a great idea if you need a new air conditioner as well.

Heat Pumps vs. Furnace Heating: Comparing Energy Efficiency & Benefits

Guide to Heat Pumps vs. Furnaces

While it is true that heat pumps are not as powerful as a traditional furnace, there are a few heat pump myths you should be aware of when considering a heat pump vs. a furnace. In particular, some will claim that the furnace is better in a heat pump vs. furnace comparison of energy efficiency. You will find though, that heat pumps can actually be much more efficient when used correctly and installed in homes that are set up for this kind of energy distribution.

In fact, there are many benefits to using a heat pump vs. a furnace. Heat pumps do not produce carbon monoxide, so there is no worry about leaks of this dangerous gas. As we have noted, they are also more energy-efficient, easy to use, and a bit safer than a traditional furnace.

Still, there are reasons you might want to go with a furnace instead. If you live in a very cold place where temperatures are frequently below freezing, a heat pump may not provide enough heat to keep your whole home comfortable throughout the year. Even in this case, a heat pump can work well for small homes or in conjunction with other methods of supplemental heating. In fact, most heat pumps include a back up or supplemental heater to be used to produce heat in extreme temperatures. Still, if you are going for maximum heating, or have a large area to keep warm and cozy, a furnace might win the heat pump vs. furnace debate for you.

Learn More About Shopping for a Heat Pump or Furnace

With the tips above in mind, you will be able to choose the right heating option between a heat pump or furnace. If you have any more questions or want help choosing the most energy efficient and effective option for your St. Louis area home, get in touch with the heating & air conditioning experts at Galmiche & Sons today!

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