How Does a Heat Pump Work?

How Does a Heat Pump Work

With recent technology and advances, heat pumps are becoming a more effective and economical method for heating homes and workplaces. However, you may be asking yourself, “How does a heat pump work?” If you are considering purchasing a heat pump for your home or office, it is important to learn some basics about how a heat pump works and what they do.

Read on to learn more to answer your questions like “What is a heat pump?” and “How does a heat pump work?”. For more information and help selecting the best heat pump for your needs, contact the heating & air conditioning professionals at Galmiche & Sons in St. Louis.

3 Easy Answers to “How Does a Heat Pump Work?”

The Basics: How Does a Heat Pump Work for You?

The first thing to understand is that a heat pump doesn’t actually generate heart, but rather moves heat around to exactly where it is needed. Unlike other components such as furnaces or boilers designed entirely to generate heat, heat pumps work using much less energy. With a heat pump, air is pulled from natural sources such as the heat that gathers on the ground and transferred into your home to warm it. Heat pumps work by not only heating your home, but also cooling it down when the weather gets warmer. In the summer, heat pumps pull heat from the inside and move it outside.

When talking about how a heat pump works, it is also important to understand the limitations of heat pumps, as a heat pump is only effective down to certain temperatures. If the outside temperature is too cold, your heat pump will use a supplemental heater to produce heat.

Operating Your Heat Pump Efficiently: How Does a Heat Pump Work to Save You Money and Energy?

When properly maintained and operated, a heat pump can be an extremely efficient option for heating and cooling your home. If you wish to prolong the lifespan and efficiency of your heat pump, it is important to learn proper heat pump maintenance.

A poorly looked after heat pump can cause trouble over time. For example, if your system does not have a high efficiency fan motor, you may be in danger of running your fan at all times, which can cause high energy bills and poor performance over time. As a precaution, set the automatic fan setting to kick in, this can reduce energy use. You can also take it a step further and install a programmable thermostat to prevent excessive fan usage.

How Does a Heat Pump Work to Save Energy

Heat Pump Maintenance: How Do You Keep Your Heat Pump Running?

After answering the question “How does a heat pump work?”, it is important to ask yourself what you can do to maintain your system. It is vital to any heat pump or HVAC system to clean and change air filters regularly. This will not only allow air to flow more freely through your system, but also prevent any harmful dirt or debris from contaminating your air. Make sure your coils are clean and wipe them down if you notice and accumulation of dirt. Also, remember to trim the branches outside of your unit and dust the return and supply registers.

Contact Us to Learn More About How Heat Pumps Work

So you’ve answered the question “How does my heat pump work?”. If you still feel unclear about any of the above information, or if you simply have a few follow up questions, let our experts help today. We have been a leading force in HVAC systems and accessories for over 60 years in the St. Louis area, and our knowledgeable staff is here for you.

Call today to schedule a check up of your current system or to learn more about installing a new heat pump. Our team of heating & air conditioning specialists will be happy to help ensure your home or business is heated properly this winter season.

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