Holiday Heating Tips for Winter Parties

Holiday Heating Tips for Winter Parties

If you are planning winter parties and get-togethers and wondering how you can best utilize your HVAC system for comfort minus high heating bills, use these holiday heating tips to plan wisely. At Galmiche & Sons, our heating and air conditioning experts will help keep your HVAC system running efficiently with easy tips and regular maintenance.

If you have yet to book your winter HVAC maintenance or need help getting your system in shape for the holidays, it’s not too late. Call Galmiche and Sons at 314-993-1110 or contact us online to schedule HVAC maintenance service or learn more.

Top Holiday Heating Hacks

What are some ways to save energy and money on heating while ensuring comfort for guests and convenience to you?

Use Timers or a Smart Thermostat for Heating

Smart thermostats allow you to set a schedule for when your heating system turns on and off so you can avoid wasting heat when there is no one in the room or when the temperature is already comfortable.

Top Holiday Heating Hacks | St. Louis HVAC

The benefits of using smart holiday heating are as follows:

  • Lower energy consumption and carbon footprint by heating only the rooms that are in use.
  • A pleasantly warm and cozy atmosphere for guests.
  • Avoid overheating or under heating your home by adjusting the thermostat settings according to the weather, time of day, and number of guests.
  • Enjoy your party without worrying about adjusting your thermostat or turning off the heating system manually.

Using a smart thermostat, you can create different zones in your home, heating only the areas where your guests are, such as your living room, dining room, or kitchen.

Utilize Zone Heating

Ever wished you could control the temperatures of individual rooms of your home to maximize comfort and energy efficiency? Then, zone heating is for you. An HVAC zone control system uses multiple thermostats and dampers to control the temperature in different areas of your home. Each zone is equipped with its own thermostat so you can set individual temperatures for different areas.

The heating source for a zone heating system can be a furnace, boiler, or an electric heating system. The benefits of zone heating as a holiday heating and entertaining hack are as follows:

  • You can customize the temperature of each area to your preference, ensuring increased comfort for all guests.
  • A targeted heating approach avoids unnecessary energy consumption and reduces utility bills.
  • By heating only the areas being used, you can avoid wasting money on heating unused spaces.
  • With zone heating, you can create the perfect environment for every area of your home, during parties and on regular days.

The most common types of zone heating systems are hydronic and forced air systems. Both types have their advantages and disadvantages. A technician from Galmiche and Sons can help you determine the best option for your home and introduce you to energy-efficient HVAC options.

Create a DIY Maintenance Routine

Seasonal maintenance is a sure-fire way to address any preventable issues that turn up at the worst times. It includes regular cleaning and changing of the furnace filter, checking vents, and testing your thermostat. You will be able to detect any hidden issues, and perform repair or replacements before major breakdowns occur.

Contact Galmiche & Sons for More Holiday Heating Tips in St. Louis

As an experienced service provider for HVAC maintenance and repair in St. Louis, MO, we provide a range of heating and cooling services. We can perform HVAC checks, advise on holiday heating, and explain how you can upgrade your comfort at a budget that suits you. Call us at 314-993-1110 or use our online contact form to discuss your requirements.

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