Furnace Troubleshooting: Why Is My Furnace Blowing Cool Air?

Why Is My Furnace Blowing Cool Air?

If you have ever experienced your furnace blowing cool air, then you know how frustrating it can be. This problem can be caused by a number of different issues, some of which are more serious than others. In this article, we will list the most common reasons for a furnace blowing cool air and provide some furnace troubleshooting tips.

If you have noticed your furnace blowing cold air, the heating and air conditioning experts at Galmiche & Sons can help. We can troubleshoot any issues and provide expert repairs to keep your warm and cozy all winter. Contact us today to schedule your furnace repair appointment in the St. Louis area or learn more.

Possible Causes Behind Your Furnace Blowing Cool Air

Troubleshooting a Furnace Blowing Cool Air

 As we mentioned, there are a few possible causes for a furnace blowing cool air. Understanding and reviewing each of these causes can help you to troubleshoot potential issues and keep your furnace running smoothly. Common furnace problems include:

  • No power: One possibility is that the furnace is not receiving enough power. This can be caused by a tripped circuit breaker or a blown fuse. Try to reset the circuit breaker or replace the fuse and see if the problem is resolved. The furnace might also be turned off completely. If the furnace is on, but not blowing any air, the blower motor might be turned off.
  • Thermostat issues: Another possible reason why you furnace is blowing cool air is that the thermostat is not set to the correct temperature or the battery might be low. Adjusting the thermostat or replacing the battery are simple steps you can try on your own. However, if you experience other issues, it is best to call a furnace repair professional.
  • Lack of fuel: If you have an oil or gas furnace, there is a possibility that the furnace is not receiving enough fuel. This can be caused by a blocked gas line or a problem with the gas meter. You may need to call your local HVAC or gas company if you suspect issues.
  • Dirty air filter: A build-up of dirt in the furnace filter can impact air circulation, causing your furnace to compensate by working harder. A clogged filter or a dirty burning chamber can also cause overheating, leading to the burner being turned off to prevent damage to the furnace. This will cause the furnace to blow cool air.
  • Faulty ductwork: Ductwork is the system of pipes and vents that deliver heated air from your furnace to the rest of your home. If these pipes are loose, the air ducts are poorly insulated, or the ducts have gaps in them, heat can escape before it has a chance to reach your living space. This can cause your furnace to work harder than it needs to, leading to higher energy bills and potential repair costs.

Above are just some top reasons why your furnace may be malfunctioning and blowing cool air. If you are unable to find the root cause of your furnace blowing cool air, it is best to call a professional. In St. Louis and the surrounding areas, the experts at Galmiche & Sons have been serving residential and commercial customers since 1950. We can troubleshoot all of your furnace problems and provide quick solutions for all your repair needs.

Contact Galmiche & Sons for Furnace Troubleshooting and Repair

When your furnace breaks down, it can be tempting to try to fix it yourself. However, HVAC systems are complex and there are a lot of components that are interconnected.

If you try to fix your furnace yourself and end up damaging it, there can be dangerous consequences. The most efficient way to fix your furnace is to call our experienced professionals at Galmiche & Sons. We have the expertise and cutting-edge tools to quickly and safely complete furnace repair and installation. Give us a call today for all your HVAC needs.

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