What Is the Best Way to Prevent Air Conditioner Repairs

Prevent Air Conditioner Repairs

As experienced air conditioner repairs professionals, we know that air conditioners always seem to break down at the worst possible time. And while there is no foolproof way to prevent your air conditioner from breaking down, following these simple HVAC tips can help you keep your unit running smoothly all season long.

To learn more or schedule air conditioner repairs for your system, contact the heating and cooling experts at Galmiche & Sons online or by phone at 314-993-1110.

5 Ways to Prevent Air Conditioner Repairs

Ensure The Air Conditioner Unit Is The Right Size

First, make sure the air conditioner sizing is right for your home. If the unit is too small, it will have to work harder than necessary and will break down more often. If the unit is too big, it will cycle on and off constantly and also may break down more often.

Clean the Air Conditioner Regularly to Prevent Air Conditioner Repairs

While air conditioners can keep us cool and comfortable, they can also trap dirt and be a breeding ground for bacteria and other allergens. In order to help keep your family healthy and your air conditioner clean, follow these simple tips:

  • Clean the filters at least once a month. A dirty filter will reduce the air conditioner’s efficiency and increase your energy bill.
  • Clean off any dirt or debris that has accumulated on the exterior. You can use a hose or vacuum to clean dirt or dust from the coils at least once a year.
  • If you have a pet, keep their hair off the filters and coils.

Switch Off When Not In Use

Do not leave your air conditioner on full blast all day when you aren’t home. Depending on the temperatures outside, set it to turn on or turn down an hour or so before you get home, so that it has time to cool your house down. You can use a programmable or smart thermostat to control the temperature of your home when you are not at home. This will help it last longer and run more efficiently.

Use Fans to Optimize Cooling and Reduce the Load On Your Air Conditioners

How to Prevent Air Conditioner Repairs

Avoid turning your air conditioner up too high when it is hot outside. When it is extremely hot, you might be tempted to crank up the air conditioner to stay cool, but this will make the unit work harder. Overuse of the unit can shorten its lifespan. If you feel like the temperature in your home is getting too warm, try using ceiling fans instead of turning on the air conditioner full blast.

Schedule Professional Inspection

The best way to prevent summer air conditioner repairs such as a broken condenser fan blade is to have your air conditioner serviced by an HVAC professional at least once a year.

Preventive maintenance will ensure that any minor issues have the chance to be identified and resolved before they turn into major problems. Additionally, keeping up with regular maintenance will help your A/C run more efficiently, which can save you money on cooling costs during the hot summer months.

Contact a St. Louis HVAC Professional

If you are looking to avoid air conditioner repairs, it is important to have a professional air conditioner servicing plan in place. Additionally, be sure to choose a high-quality air conditioning unit and have it installed by a professional. An easy way to avoid air conditioner repairs at the peak of summer in St. Louis is to call Galmiche & Sons before the heat settles in to ensure your AC is ready.

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