Air Conditioner Breakdown: Common Problems You Might Encounter

Air Conditioner Breakdown

An air conditioner breakdown can really put a damper on your summer. With the right maintenance, proper use, and attention to signs of trouble, though, you can avoid dealing with a breakdown during the summer heat. The most common causes of air conditioner breakdowns are improper use, bad installation, and lack of maintenance and cleaning. As long as you take care of your heating & air conditioning system well, and make sure to schedule regular maintenance visits, you should be safe from major air conditioner breakdowns.

Most Common Causes of Air Conditioner Breakdown

One thing to keep in mind is that you never want to overwork or over-run your air conditioner. Running your air conditioner with windows and doors open or setting the thermostat so low that the AC runs constantly, can overwhelm the unit and cause an air conditioner breakdown. This overuse can cause compressor failure by overwhelming and wearing out the compressor. You should look out for HVAC sounds that might indicate compressor failure. If you hear a loud rattling or thumping in the air conditioning unit, have it checked out immediately.

Overwork is not the only cause of AC strain though, improper insulation, leaky ductwork, and improper air conditioner sizing can all contribute to wear and tear over time, and eventually lead to an air conditioner breakdown. Similarly, a lack of maintenance or improper maintenance can allow small common issues to become much bigger. For instance, a lot of technicians fail to identify refrigerant charging issues, leaving your AC low on refrigerant.

Refrigerant Leaks

Common Air Conditioner Breakdown Problems

Issues with refrigerant are a pretty common AC problem. In addition to improperly charged refrigerant, you might have a refrigerant leak, which can be both costly to you and dangerous to the environment. If you experience an air conditioner breakdown, refrigerant issues are one problem your technician should check for.

Condensate Drainage Issues

Another common cause of air conditioner breakdowns is improper drainage. It is fairly easy for your condensate drain to become clogged in humid weather, or because it’s dirty. You can check whether there is a clog by looking at your AC unit’s condensate drain pan. It should be empty or close to empty if moisture is draining properly. Trapped moisture can not only back up, causing air conditioner breakdowns and potential flooding in your home, but it also contributes to the growth of mold and mildew in your HVAC system. You can sometimes identify drainage issues by the presence of unwanted air conditioner smells that result from this growth

Electrical Problems

Finally, electrical issues can cause air conditioner breakdowns, and these can be dangerous to deal with. If your AC stops very suddenly, electrical issues might be to blame. In this, and in other cases, you should rely on your HVAC service team to investigate breakdowns and identify the true cause. It is even possible you have multiple problems with your heating & air conditioning system and need more extensive repairs, so make sure your technician is thorough when investigating an air conditioner breakdown.

Get Help with Your Air Conditioner Breakdown Issues in St. Louis

For more information about air conditioner breakdown issues, or to schedule an appointment with your heating & air conditioning professionals in St. Louis, give Galmiche & Sons a call today!

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