Air Conditioner Smells & How to Eliminate Them

Air Conditioner Smells & How to Eliminate Them

It is never a good thing when you can smell your air conditioner. Just like surprising sounds, a surprising smell can be a sign you need air conditioner maintenance or cleaning. Learning to identify some of the common air conditioner smells can help you solve the problem, and even prevent AC odor in the future.

The first question though is whether it is really your air conditioner that smells. Because the HVAC system pulls in air from around your home and redistributes it, it is common that smells in the house can seem like they are coming from the AC when they are really coming from some other source.

If you do determine that the odor is being caused by your AC unit however, get in touch with your heating & air conditioning service team at Galmiche & Sons, today.

What Causes Common AC Smells?

One of the main causes of a smelly air conditioner is mold and mildew built up in the air conditioning unit. This can happen for a few different reasons. One way to get mold is through a clogged condensate drain. This is a common AC issue that stops condensation from draining properly from your AC unit’s evaporator coil. The standing moisture that results leads to mold and mildew growth.

The other common place for mold to grow in your HVAC system is in the ductwork. Even a little bit of dampness in your ducts can lead to air conditioner smells, especially if there is debris built up in the ducts. A good way to avoid an air conditioner that smells is to make sure you are getting ducts cleaned out and inspected regularly. This can remove odor-causing debris from the ductwork and also allows your service technician to check for gaps and leaks. Duct leaks in places like the garage and basement can allow chemical contaminants and other smelly material to enter your HVAC system and spread through your home, which will seem like the smells are coming from your air conditioner.

Common Causes for Air Conditioner Smells

How to Get Rid Of Odor

As you can see, one of the best ways to prevent air conditioner smells from becoming a problem is to have your HVAC system cleaned out regularly. Your service technician will remove debris from the vents and clean out any clogs in your condensate drain, along with replacing your air filter. You can also change your air filter on your own, and should try to do it often. For even more control — and fewer AC smells — consider having a high-efficiency air filter installed or an in-system air purifier.

Humidity is another major factor, so the more you can control it, the fewer air conditioner smells you will have to deal with. This is just one of the many ways in which a dehumidifier benefits your HVAC system and the air quality in your home. Adding a dehumidifier can do a lot to stop mold growth, plus the reduced humidity leaves you feeling cooler and more comfortable. With all this in mind, you should be able to avoid stinky AC smells.

Find Out More About Resolving Air Conditioner Smells

To schedule a system cleaning or find the solution to your air conditioner smells, get in touch with our St. Louis area heating & air conditioning experts today.

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