Effects of Dry Air on Your Health & What To Do About It

Effects of Dry Air on Your Health

During winter, most families tend to spend the days indoors to escape the extreme temperatures outside. However, unknown to them, spending so much time inside with all the windows and doors closed can lead to dry air. Often, people will get sick during the winter and this is just one of the effects of dry air in the house. So, what are some of the other effects of dry air and what can you do about it? Read on to find out more.

In the meantime, Galmiche & Sons is the company to call if you have any HVAC-related problems in St. Louis. Our experience in the industry spans many years, making us the preferred HVAC company for residents in St. Louis and the greater region. Contact us today at 314-993-1110. We will take care of all your heating & air conditioning needs as well as explain further the effects of dry air on your health and what you can do about it.

What Are Some of the Effects of Dry Air?

In an effort to keep warm during the winter, most homes will use heat pumps, furnaces, or boilers. However, if the air was already a bit low on the moisture, then using these appliances will only make it worse. With the humidity in your house down, you will clearly begin to see the effects of dry air on your health. For example, these conditions in your house provide the best scenario for the spread of bacteria and viruses.

Some of the complete effects of dry air include:

  • Dried out noses and throats – This makes you more susceptible to diseases and can also lead to respiratory issues such as scratchy throats, sinus infections, and even asthma symptoms.
  • Dry skin – You know the feeling… itchy, dry skin is uncomfortable at the least, and can lead to rashes and other skin irritations.

What is the solution? We recommend installing a humidifier in your home.

How a Humidifier Can Alleviate the Effects of Dry Air

Effects of Dry Air in Your Home

If you are trying to alleviate the effects of dry air, then the best solution is often to get a humidifier. You can either use a portable humidifier or a whole house humidifier.

When using a portable humidifier, it is important that you ensure it is placed at the center of the room and away from furniture. You also need to ensure that it is properly maintained so that it remains efficient.

A whole house humidifier, on the other hand, is often the most effective option for you to wade off the effects of dry air. These systems are more effective and are also easier to maintain, requiring less upkeep than portable models. With a whole house humidifier, the moisture in your indoor air is maintained at 35-40% ensuring your comfort at all times.

Contact Galmiche & Sons to Learn More About the Effects of Dry Air

There are so many ways that dry, winter air can affect your health. Because of this, it is important that the humidity in your home is maintained at a comfortable level. If you would like to learn more about the effects of dry air or are interested in having a humidifier installed to alleviate your home’s dry air problems, call Galmiche & Sons in St. Louis. We can be reached at 314-993-1110 today and look forward to answering all your heating & air conditioning questions.

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