How to Lower Heating Bills & Costs

Tips to Lower Heating Bills

This is a popular topic for St. Louis residents, especially when the temperatures outside are plummeting. Rising heating bills are never a pleasant experience, but fortunately, there are things you can do to save energy, promote efficiency, and lower those heating bills.

If you are hoping to find ways of lowering your heating bills, one thing that might help is scheduling an annual furnace cleaning and maintenance check on your system. Call Galmiche & Sons today and we can send over a technician to check out your heating & air conditioning system and perform an overall heat loss check on your home.

Lower Your Heating Bills with These Steps

Overall, there are several steps families can take to combat and lower high heating bills. From small, easy fixes to more major efforts. Here are some of the things you should consider when it comes to finding ways to lower your heating costs:

  • Schedule Maintenance – This may seem like an overly simple step to take, but actually, making sure your furnace is well maintained and checked before the start of the heating season helps to improve the efficiency of the system, which then goes a long way towards improving your energy bills.
  • Install a Dual Fuel Heat Pump – A dual fuel heat pump is a great option for lowering heating costs. These handy systems can complement furnace heating by being like a support act. They are some of the most efficient in terms of HVAC systems because they can cool in the summer and provide low-cost heating in the winter. We often suggest that our customers rely on their heat pumps for heating until the temperature drops below 35°F, where their furnaces will take over.
  • Check Insulation – A majority of heat loss tends to occur through the roof, so we suggest going into your attic and taking a look to make sure all the insulation is as it should be and is working to keep the warm air in.
  • Use Ceiling Fans – This may sound counterintuitive but when used correctly, a ceiling fan can actually help maintain warm air in any given room. Hot air rises, so if your ceiling fan is on a low speed and rotating clockwise, it can gently push the warm air back down into the room.
  • Check Windows – Windows can be a big pull for losing hot air. If your windows are not keeping the warm air in and a window replacement is not in the cards for you any time soon, use heavy curtains to insulate from the cold.
  • Lower Your Thermostat – Lowering your thermostat even by just a few degrees can also lower your heating costs without sacrificing comfort.

Call On Us in St. Louis for More Help Lowering Your Heating Bills

How to Lower Heating Bills

If you are having trouble lowering your heating costs or want to learn more about any of our tips, we want to hear about it! As a leading St. Louis HVAC company, we have been solving St. Louis’ heating & air conditioning troubles for many years and we want to help your family stay warm this winter.

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