Furnace Safety Checklist: A Guide to Keep Your Furnace Safe This Winter

Furnace Safety Checklist

Your furnace provides a great deal of value to you and your family. Keeping your home heated through the winter, your furnace is one of the most important investments in home comfort you can make. This is why it is important to make sure your furnace is working correctly and to stay on top of furnace maintenance and furnace safety. You want your furnace to remain a source of comfort rather than becoming a potential risk. One way to keep you and your family comfortable and safe is to practice good furnace safety. The key is regular furnace maintenance and inspections from your HVAC team.

In St. Louis and the surrounding areas, if you are concerned about the safety of your furnace this winter, connect with us today. Our heating & air conditioning professionals are looking forward to helping you keep your family safe and warm this winter.

Don’t Skip that Furnace Inspection

The central component of furnace safety is regular and detailed HVAC system maintenance. Keeping your furnace — and your entire HVAC system — clean and well equipped can prevent dangerous problems with the potential for fire damage, electrocution, carbon monoxide leaks, and other dangers as well. So, you should have your furnace inspected and cleaned regularly by a professional HVAC technician. Not all maintenance visits are the same though. To get the most out of yours, use this inspection checklist for furnace safety and insist that each of these components be addressed.

Furnace Safety Inspection Checklist

Checking these potential problem areas is crucial to preventing dangerous issues down the road and a key part of furnace safety.

  • Burners: Your technician should make sure your furnace’s burners are clean and are not creating soot that can get into your home. Not only is this a furnace safety issue in that it can contribute to fire risk, but the air pollution is bad for your family’s health too.
  • Pilot light: Pilot light assemblies should also be cleaned regularly as build up can cause the pilot light to go out, shutting down your furnace completely or even creating dangerous gas leaks.
  • Heat exchanger: Issues with your heat exchanger can cause gas or carbon monoxide leaks in the home. Make sure your technician inspects the heat exchanger for cracks during your next maintenance visit.
  • Switches: One reason furnace safety is so important is that there is fire risk involved. The other problem, though, is electricity and the potential for electrocution. Make sure your technician inspects your HVAC system’s wiring for potentially dangerous problems. Switches should be given special attention as faulty switches can cause your furnace to shut on and off too quickly, causing all sorts of problems.
  • Air filters: While changing your air filter is something you can do on your own, you can also ask your HVAC technician to change it during a maintenance visit. It is important to make sure you don not have a dirty air filter clogging up your heating.

For your next furnace inspection, make sure to ask about these potential furnace safety issues, and keep your family safe and comfortable this winter.

Contact Us to Check Your Home Furnace Safety in St. Louis

Furnace Safety | How to Keep Your Furnance Safe

Your heating & air conditioning team at Galmiche & Sons is happy to provide detailed furnace inspections, as well as closer investigations of particular furnace safety issues. In St. Louis and the surrounding areas, get in touch today to learn more.

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