What Happens When You Don’t Change Your Air Filter?

What Happens When You Don’t Change Your Air Filter

The HVAC system in most households usually has an air filter located in the return air duct compartment. Regardless of whether your system uses a washable or a disposable air filter, changing or cleaning the air filter is very necessary. However, most people do not know why. Is it really important to change your air filter? And what happens if you don’t?

The overall workings of your HVAC system is our top priority here at Galmiche & Sons. Whether you would like to learn more about changing your air filter or you have any issue regarding your HVAC system, we would be glad to help. In the greater St. Louis area, give us a call at 314-993-1110 and have our professional team answer all your heating & air conditioning questions.

What are the Consequences of Not Changing Your Air Filter?

Most people do not realize how important it is to regularly change the air filter in their HVAC systems. Changing your air filter on a regular basis will not only improve on the system’s efficiency but will also ensure that you remain healthy thanks to the improved air quality. So, what really happens when you don’t change your air filters?

Effects on Health:

Change Your Air Filter | HVAC Tips

Perhaps one of the most important things to note about not changing your air filters is the effect it has on your health. Air filters are usually responsible for trapping all the dirt, dust and other contaminants in your indoor air. With time, the air filter gets full and clogged up from all the contaminants that have been trapped. This makes it hard for it to trap any more contaminants. Failing to change the air filters will result in fewer contaminants being trapped and this will lead to dirty air being recirculated in the house. Seeing as the quality of your indoor air will greatly reduce, this will lead to allergies as well as other airborne health complications for the people living in your home.

Effects on Efficiency:

Changing your air filter also helps to avert some potential issues when it comes to the efficiency of your HVAC system. These include:

  • Uneven energy distribution – Failure to change your air filters can lead to an uneven temperature in the rooms of your house. Some rooms may feel too warm while others may be too hard to heat.
  • Frequent cycling – Dirty air filters mean a less efficient system, which will lead to your HVAC system cycling more so as to get the indoor air to the desired temperature. This, in turn, leads to increased energy consumption.
  • Higher bills – If anything, you should change your air filters to ensure you do not spend too much on energy bills. With dirty air filters, the system has to work harder and will use more energy to get the work done leading to higher bills.

Effects on Equipment:

Lastly, not changing your air filters will affect your equipment. Clogged and dirty filters will lead to frozen coils, which can, in turn, freeze up the unit. Also, because the airflow is restricted, the continual strain can eventually lead to the motor breaking down.

Contact Galmiche & Sons for More Information & To Schedule HVAC Maintenance

Changing the air filters in your HVAC system should be done regularly in order to avoid bigger issues and ensure proper performance of your HVAC system. If you have any issues that you would like solved or would like to learn more about improving efficiency and performance of the HVAC system in your St. Louis area home, give us a call today at 314-993-1110. Besides helping to change your air filters, we will tend to all your heating & air conditioning needs.

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