How to Get Rid of a Musty Smell in your Home or Business

Have you started to notice a musty smell in your home or business? Your HVAC system might be to blame. When it comes to musty smells in the home, there are a few potential causes, but HVAC issues are often at the root. For commercial spaces, there may be other factors at play, such as appliances that generate steam, but it does not hurt to check your HVAC system if you have a musty smell in your place of business either.

Musty Smell in Home or Business

In fact, when your HVAC is causing a musty smell in your home or business, it can be a sign of other problems. So, checking your heating & air conditioning system for these common issues is definitely a good idea.

Why is There a Musty Smell in My Home?

The musty smell in a home with HVAC issues usually comes from a combination of moisture along with excess grime, dust, and other contaminants. In fact, a major reason to aim for the ideal home humidity is that lower moisture will prevent your ducts from starting to smell and impede the spread of mold spores and other contaminants. So, the key to eliminating the musty smell in your home or business is making sure the HVAC system is regulating humidity correctly and is clean.

Another thing that you will want to check if you have persistent or recurring problems with a musty smell in your home is the size and design of your HVAC system. Badly designed ducts can interrupt airflow, which leads to stagnant patches and can also contribute to the spread of odors. If your HVAC system is too small for the space it is trying to heat or cool, this can also lead to air pressure issues, resulting in a musty smell in your home. Since cleaning is a much easier fix, you will want to rule out these issues first.

Eliminating Musty Odors

How to Get Rid of a Musty Smell in Home or Business

So what exactly should you be cleaning? Among the biggest culprits behind musty smells in the home are dirty HVAC air filters. Not only do filters trap mold spores, dust, and allergens, when they become clogged, they can interrupt airflow as well. Changing your air filters is relatively easy, and it is something most homeowners can do on their own. You should replace air filters at least every three months.

Some cleaning tasks a bit more intensive though. If you are trying to remove a musty smell from your home, duct cleaning is something to look into. Even with the best design, air ducts trap a lot of dust and grime over the years and frankly get pretty disgusting. Having your ducts cleaned goes a long way toward a better smelling home and better HVAC function.

If you replace your air filters and have your ducts cleaned, but are still experiencing a musty smell in your home, there could be something more serious going on with your HVAC system. Your condensate drain, for instance, might be clogged, leading to more moisture in your HVAC system. If left unaddressed, this can become a much more serious issue than musty smells in your home or business, even leading to HVAC failure. So, when dealing with a musty smell in the home, make sure to have your HVAC service team check for these issues and more.

Contact Us in St. Louis to Get Help With Musty Smells in Your Home

If you have a musty smell in your home that you are ready to get rid of, connect with Galmiche & Sons, today. Our heating & air conditioning professionals will help you resolve the issue if it is HVAC related.

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