Tips to Avoid Emergency Furnace Repair this Winter

Tips to Avoid Emergency Furnace Repair

In St. Louis, our colder seasons are quickly approaching. While you might not be kicking your heating system into full gear just yet, now is a crucial time to make sure everything is functioning correctly. The last thing you want is an HVAC system malfunction during the coldest days of the year. Emergency furnace repair can be cost prohibitive and highly inconvenient. Follow these simple precautions provided below to avoid emergency furnace repair this season.

To learn more and to schedule a professional walk through of your current heating & air conditioning system to ensure you are ready for winter cold, call us in St. Louis today at 314-993-1110!

4 Easy Ways to Prevent Emergency Furnace Repair

  • Upgrade Your Thermostat – If you have an older home, chances are you need a thermostat upgrade. An older thermostat is much less efficient than a smart thermostat. If you must turn a knob or slide a needle to adjust the temperature in your home, then it is time to consider a smart thermostat. An outdated thermostat can push an HVAC system to work much harder than it should, heightening your risk for emergency furnace repair. Smart thermostats connect your phone to your heating system. If you are out and about, you can use your smartphone to adjust the temperature in your home before you arrive to avoid a cold adjustment period.
  • Schedule Fall Maintenance – One of the easiest ways to avoid emergency furnace repair is to schedule a tune-up with your local HVAC specialist. A trained eye will be able see any faulty mechanical work or damage your furnace has accrued over the years. Once the damage is assessed, the process of making repairs can begin. Preventative maintenance is much more cost effective and convenient than emergency furnace repair.
  • Be Wary of Warning Signs – If your furnace is constantly cycling, it is likely you have an issue with your system. You may have also noticed areas in your home that are draftier than others. Poor circulation is often caused by faulty mechanics or ineffective insulation in your home. Pay attention to these signs early on or you may be faced with needing an emergency furnace repair in the dead of winter. If you think there may be an issue with your furnace, now is the time to act and contact your local St. Louis heating and cooling professionals.
  • It May Be Time for An Upgrade – A furnace or heat pump has a lifespan of about 10 years. You can sometimes to prolong the life of your machinery with proper annual maintenance but is only a matter of time before replacing your furnace is necessary. If you find yourself having to call for emergency furnace repair every year, then it is time for an upgrade. The cost of a new system may seem like a big expense but acting quickly will save you money in the long run. A new furnace will ensure lower monthly bills and less money spent on emergency furnace repairs.

Contact Galmiche & Sons for Furnace Repair & Maintenance in St. Louis

Emergency Furnace Repair in St. Louis

To learn more about what you can do to avoid emergency furnace repair this winter and to ensure your system is running efficiently, the HVAC contractors at Galmiche & Sons can help. Call Galmiche & Sons today at 314-993-1110 to talk to one of our qualified St. Louis heating & air conditioning experts.

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