A Complete List of Air Purifier Benefits

Air Purifier Benefits & Advantages

There are a few different ways to improve the indoor air quality in your home, from replacing air filters more regularly to full HVAC cleanings. For the best air quality and home comfort though, an air purifier is best. Adding an air purifier benefits your home’s air quality in a few different ways, and air purifiers are relatively easy to install no matter what kind of HVAC system you have. Depending on your heating & air conditioning system, you will need different kinds of air purifiers to see benefits, but your HVAC service team can help you find the right air purification system for your home.

5 Top Air Purifier Benefits

Some of the benefits of an HVAC air purification system are obvious, but you might be surprised to learn just how much an air purifier benefits your home comfort and your family’s health. Here are just a few of the air purifier benefits you can expect:

  • Removing Airborne Bacteria: There are a lot of nasty things that can get into your HVAC system. From mold spores to bacteria, keeping particles out of the air you breathe is one of the biggest air purifier benefits. High-quality air purifiers can remove as much as 99% of such particles from the air, including germs and spores that can cause health problems.
  • Stopping Smoke & Pollutants: One of the underappreciated air purifier benefits is their ability to neutralize smoke and prevent damage from a fireplace or someone smoking in the house. Similarly, an air purification system can reduce the amount of cleaning chemical particles in your air, as well as other harmful contaminants.
  • Keeping Odors at Bay: Getting rid of all those air particles also means a better smelling home. Whether the problem is mildew growing in the vents or an intake near something smelly, adding an air purifier can help you reduce bad odors.
  • Trapping Dust: Dust as well is trapped by the filters in your air purifier. This is one way in which an air purifier benefits families with issues like asthma quite a bit. A little bit of dust is normal in any home, and getting it out of the air can vastly improve your respiratory health.
  • Alleviating Allergies: The final way in which an air purifier benefits your home comfort and lung health is by removing allergens from the air. This can be especially important as the seasons change and those affected by seasonal allergies start to sniffle.

Air Purifiers and Allergy Season

Benefits of Air Purifiers at Home

As fall approaches, many people will start to sniffle and sneeze with the changing seasons. A HEPA-rated air purifier can help, and those with very severe allergies might consider something more powerful, like an air purifier with features like germicidal UV radiation or air ionization. Both give your air purifier a bit of a boost, but in most cases, you can reap the air purifier benefits without these add-ons.

Get More Information on Air Purifier Benefits

To learn more about adding an air purifier to your heating & air conditioning system and to find out how you can start enjoying the benefits, get in touch with Galmiche & Sons in St. Louis today.

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