How New Furnace Technology Can Improve Your Lifestyle

How New Furnace Technology Can Improve Your Lifestyle

Things have come a long way in HVAC since we got our start in 1950. New furnace technology and improvements have made it easier and more affordable for people to get through the cold winter months. New furnace technology is more efficient and quieter, replacing the loud and dirty furnaces of the past. Another great aspect of new furnace technology is the cost savings passed on to customers. High efficiency furnaces are cheaper to run and save you money. Now the question is: are you getting the advantages of new furnace technology, or are you living with an out-of-date model? At Galmiche & Sons, we believe in helping our customers get the best value with their furnaces. Let us help you take full advantage of new furnace technology.

If you are concerned that your furnace is too old, let our heating & air conditioning professionals take a look. Give us a call at 314-993-1110 today.

Some Improvements Offered by New Furnace Technology

There are many reasons to consider upgrading your old furnace. High repair costs, poor performance, and loud noises are all good reasons to investigate new furnace technology. The field of home heating is constantly changing and being improved. Every year, systems are tweaked to make them more efficient and cheaper.

Here are some of our favorite features of new furnace technology:

  • Delayed Blower – A major flaw with older system is getting hit with a blast of cold air as you fire up the system. This air accumulates in ducts while your system is off. Old furnaces push this cold air out into your home. New technologies will delay your blower from starting until the ducts are warmed up. This helps to maximize your comfort.
  • Several Operation Stages – Older furnaces are either off or running at full capacity. As you can imagine, this ends up costing the customer more on their energy bills. Modern furnaces can operate in multiple stages, which can accommodate the comfort needs of your home. This also means more efficiency, which translates to big savings on energy bills
  • Multi-Speed Tech – Most modern furnaces now come with blowers that have an adjustable speed motor. This means that your furnace can get the perfect mix of air delivered throughout your home. A modern furnace allows you to dial in your comfort while also helping you have an overall more efficient home.

Modern Heating Technology Helps You Prioritize Energy Efficiency

These days, being energy efficient is an important part of owning a home. When you invest in updated furnace technology, you are investing in the environment. New furnaces use far less energy than older models, so you get to save money while also helping the planet. What is not to like about that?

Let Us Help You Find the Right New Furnace Technology for Your Home

Take Advantage of New Furnace Technology

One of our favorite things to do is to help our customers save money. Updating your heating & air conditioning system is a great way to save. In St. Louis and the surrounding areas, call us at 314-993-1110 for advice on your HVAC system.

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