7 Ways Indoor Space Heaters Affect Your Health (and Finances)

Ways Indoor Space Heaters Affect Your Health

Using an indoor space heater for your St. Louis home? Space heaters can seem like a convenient and cost-effective way to add warmth to small rooms. However, space heaters can significantly impact your health and finances in multiple ways. Because of this, an HVAC system can be a lot more efficient and beneficial for you than indoor space heaters.

To learn more and for help choosing the best HVAC system to heat your home, call our HVAC experts in St. Louis at 314-993-1110.

Seven Reasons to Avoid Indoor Space Heaters

  1. High risk of accidental burns and house fires:  The National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) estimates that from 2014 to 2018, local fire departments dealt with 48,530 fires linked to space heaters. Most home heating fires were the result of placing the heater too close to upholstered furniture, bedding, or curtains. Apart from injuries and loss of lives, these house fires resulted in property damage worth $1.1 billion. Pets and young children are particularly at high risk for accidental burns. 
  2. Shocks and sparking: Apart from fire hazards, indoor space heaters can also cause shocks and sparking. If electrical extension cords are used instead of the space heater being directly connected to the wall’s electrical receptacle, the risk of sparks and shocks is higher. The same goes for the use of surge protectors or plug timers.
  3. Hidden costs: According to one estimate, a 2,000-Watt room heater can add $159 to the electric bill per month. If you need to use more than one space heater, the costs add up significantly.
  4. Trips and falls:  Most space heaters have enough cord slack to allow you to plug them in an electrical outlet on a wall. If you use an additional extension cord or if the cord is too long, there are risks of tripping over the cord, resulting in falls and injuries.
  5. Circuit overload: Indoor space heaters utilize a lot of electricity and, as a result, tend to overload your circuits, leading to power failure. Plugging in too many appliances to the electrical outlet or extension cord can also cause circuit overload.
  6. Carbon monoxide poisoning: Unvented space heaters can emit carbon monoxide while bringing toxic nitrogen oxide into your home. These gases can cause respiratory problems such as asthma, while the water vapor can lead to mold and other types of structural damage.
  7. Limited range: Small indoor heaters are designed to warm up limited spaces, and heating a larger area will require several such heaters. This not only adds to your energy bills, but may not offer the level of comfort you are seeking in winters.
  8. Dryness:  Space heaters result in dry air that can lead to skin dryness apart from irritating your sinuses and eyes.


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Problems with Indoor Space Heaters

In some cases, using a space heater can act as a backup plan in case the central system fails or a supplementary option for heating up small rooms. But if you are using a space heater, ensure you buy one that is safe for indoor use. Avoid plugging in too many appliances and place it three feet away from all flammable materials.

To ensure that your central heating or furnace is prepared and ready to keep you safe and warm all winter long, it is important to get the HVAC systems in your St. Louis home inspected thoroughly by a top-rated HVAC maintenance contractor to avoid breakdowns and other issues. Galmiche & Sons has been serving St. Louis residents with HVAC installation, maintenance, and repairs since 1950. Get in touch with our heating and air conditioning experts to learn more about how we can help you.

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