Can High Ceilings Affect HVAC Efficiency?

High Ceilings & HVAC Efficiency

Vaulted ceilings are often a statement feature in stately rooms and buildings all over the United States. Many American homes have living rooms, kitchens, or bedrooms that emulate this feature with their own high ceilings. While they are lovely to look at, sometimes a high ceiling means less than optimum HVAC efficiency and creeping energy bills. Is it possible to enjoy a high ceiling in your home while maintaining some semblance of efficiency from your HVAC system? While they are not perfect solutions to completely cut energy, below we offer a bit more information on the impact of tall ceilings on HVAC efficiency as well as tips for saving energy.

For more information on things that can impact your home’s HVAC efficiency, connect with Galmiche & Sons today. Our St. Louis heating & air conditioning professionals will be happy to answer any questions you may have.

The Impact Tall Ceilings Can Have On HVAC Efficiency

High ceilings reign as an often touted design aspect in the homes they occupy, and it is no wonder – they bring depth and character to the room! However, this design feature is not without its drawbacks. When it comes to ceiling height, the taller the ceiling, the more air your HVAC system will need to affect. Naturally, this impacts your HVAC efficiency and how the system runs.

Because heat rises, rooms with high ceilings will see the heated air accumulating overhead during colder seasons. Of course, raising the thermostat a few degrees may help warm the room but it comes at a price in heating bills and wear and tear on your system. On the other hand, the summer heat will require your AC system to run longer and harder due to the extra amount of air in the room the system will need to cool, which again, leads to lower HVAC efficiency, higher energy costs and more wear and tear on your HVAC system.

Tips to Boost Energy Efficiency in a Room with High Ceilings

How High Ceilings Affect HVAC Efficiency

Before you give up and accept having higher energy costs and lower HVAC efficiency as the simple unintended consequence of your home’s high ceilings, remember there are some things you can do to ease the burden. Here are a few tips we give to our customers with high ceilings:

  • Make use of your ceiling fans: If you do not have a ceiling fan, consider installing one (or two!). When used correctly, ceiling fans can help push warm air back down into the room during winter. In summer, they can help create a nice cool breeze in the room and circulate the cool air created by air conditioners.
  • Make sure the load capacity of your system is appropriate: HVAC systems come in different sizes, of course, and that has a direct impact on their ability to properly heat or cool different sized homes. It is important that the load capacity can handle your home’s air volume, including any extra tall ceilings. A system that is too big or too small will both have poor consequences in terms of HVAC efficiency, your home comfort, and your energy costs.
  • Use curtains and windows to control the temperature: Making use of your curtains can actually impact your home’s temperatures more than you might think. For example, when the sun is beating down on the pavement and likewise, shining through your windows, closing the curtains can reduce the room’s temperature by a few degrees. And trust us – every degree counts when it comes to HVAC efficiency.

Learn More About HVAC Efficiency and What You Can Do to Help Your System

For more information about HVAC efficiency in your home and ways you can reduce your energy usage and costs, contact the experts at Galmiche and Sons today! We are St. Louis heating & air conditioning industry experts, and we are always happy to help our customers!

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