Is Fall the Best Time for HVAC Replacement?

It is almost winter, and very soon, our heating systems will be kicking back into action. But more often than not, we forget about our HVAC systems until it gets cold outside and we really need to switch it on. What if your HVAC system does not work when you switch it on after a year? Especially if you haven’t had your HVAC unit maintained in the past few years, it is likely that there may be issues with your heating unit you don’t even know about. There can be nothing worse than having to sleep in the cold until your HVAC system is repaired or replaced. This is why it is always better to know the best time for HVAC replacement, so you do not have to suffer during the winter.

What is the Best Time for HVAC Replacement

In St. Louis and the surrounding areas, if you are considering HVAC replacement or maintenance before winter sets in, give us a call at 314-993-1110. As leading heating and air conditioning experts, we will make sure your heating system is ready to take on the winter chill.

Why Is Fall the Best Time for HVAC Replacement?

Without a doubt, the best time for HVAC replacement is fall. If you cannot think of a reason why we will give you more than one reason that will convince you for sure.

The Weather Is Comfortable Even Without HVAC

The first and most important reason to have your HVAC system replaced during the fall is that the weather is quite comfortable during this time of the year. Replacing your HVAC system will need some time as the parts to be replaced have to be fit back in place and tested. Depending on timing and the requirements of your system, this means you may not be able to use your heating and air conditioning system for a few days until it is ready. Doing this during peak summers or winters would mean having to spend a few uncomfortable days without the HVAC. But during the fall, you can sleep comfortably even without the AC unit.

The Energy Efficiency of a New System Will Be Better In the Winters

Fall is the Best Time for HVAC Replacement

Replacing your old HVAC system with a new one during the fall will lower your energy bills during upcoming winter. You will be using the HVAC unit a lot more during the cold winters, so replacing the old system with a new system that is more energy-efficient will lower your energy consumption in the season to come.

HVAC Installation Contractors are Available

Since fall is not the peak season for HVAC breakdown, repair, and installation, HVAC contractors will be less busy during this season. Peak seasons are right at the beginning of summer or winter when it is hard to book an installation appointment. Getting it done during fall will be much easier for you to get an appointment with a trusted contractor, as they are not as busy.

HVAC Unit Will Probably Be Cheaper

If you are not buying a new HVAC unit during peak season, you are also likely to get a better deal. Prices on HVAC units usually go up during peak season, when demand is up. As such, fall is the best time for HVAC replacement on a budget.

Hire Expert HVAC Installation Contractors

If you are looking to replace your HVAC system this fall, make sure to hire a reliable HVAC contractor in St. Louis. Galmiche & Sons have been helping customers with HVAC installation and maintenance since 1950. Get in touch with our heating and air conditioning experts to learn more about our services or to schedule your appointment.

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