When Should I Schedule AC Replacement?

When Should I Schedule AC Replacement?

Replacing your AC unit is a big decision because of the costs involved. However, replacing your inefficient or damaged AC will save you money in the long run. So, when should you schedule your AC replacement?

The answer to this question depends on a variety of factors: the age of your current AC unit, your lifestyle, and more. That said, there are some general guidelines you can follow. Read on to learn more about AC replacement and when it might be best for you. To learn more or schedule your air conditioning replacement for your St. Louis home, contact the experts at Galmiche & Sons to request a quote for your new HVAC system.

Four Reasons to Consider AC Replacement

The following are some key signs that indicate it is time for AC replacement, even if it is technically working.

Your AC Is Past Its Lifespan

The lifespan of an AC unit is around 15-20 years. However, this number can be lower if the unit isn’t properly maintained.

There are several reasons why you should replace your AC after 10 to 15 years. The most important reason is that your AC will no longer be as efficient as it was when it was new. A new AC can use up to 40 percent less energy and save you money on your utility bills.

Another reason to replace your AC is that the technology has improved significantly in recent years. Newer AC units are much more efficient and can better regulate the temperature in your home. They also have features that older AC units did not have, such as better air filtration and humidity control.

Your Energy Bills Are Increasing

Schedule AC Replacement in St. Louis

According to the EIA (Energy Information Administration), the average monthly energy bill in Missouri is $115 and the air conditioner accounts for about 12 percent of the energy costs. To know exactly how much energy your AC is consuming, you will need to determine the amps it draws and the wattage it consumes.

However, the amount of energy the air conditioner unit consumes will depend on various factors such as usage, weather conditions, efficiency rating, air conditioner sizing, and thermostat settings. Even after accounting for all these factors, if your energy bills have been gradually increasing, this could be a sign that the unit is losing efficiency. In this case, it is time for AC replacement.

Your Home Is Not Cool Enough

Another indication it is time for AC replacement is if your home is not cooling as well as it used to, even when the AC unit is running constantly. With older units, the components tend to wear down which leads to a steady decline in performance.

If you find that the AC is struggling to keep your home cool, particularly in hot weather, it may be time to consider replacing it.

Your AC Needs Frequent Repairs

Even new systems can naturally wear down over time because of moving parts within them that go through regular wear and tear. This often manifests as problems with drainage or issues with circulating air throughout your home. However, if your air conditioner needs frequent costly repairs, it may be time for AC replacement.

Schedule Your AC Replacement with an HVAC Professional

If you have noticed any of the above signs, it is best to call a professional St. Louis HVAC company like Galmiche & Sons. As residential heating and cooling experts, we specialize in replacing your old air conditioner unit with an optimally performing one. Contact us today to learn more or request a quote.

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