Ductless Mini Split Heat Pumps: The Solution for Hard to Heat Rooms

Benefits of Ductless Mini Split Heat Pumps

In every home, there is that one room that simply doesn’t seem to get heated enough no matter how much you try. Most homeowners will end up avoiding such rooms entirely because they are just not comfortable in them. However, there is a simple solution if you have such a room in your house. With a ductless mini split heat pump, you can achieve the comfort that you desire, even in rooms that are hard to heat. Read on to find out more about mini split heat pumps.

If you are experiencing any problems with your HVAC system, give Galmiche & Sons a call in St. Louis. Our technicians are specially trained to handle any heating & air conditioning issues. Whether you would like a system maintenance check, an upgrade, or information on ductless mini split heat pumps, we will be glad to help. Simply dial 314-993-1110 today to schedule your appointment.

How Do Ductless Mini Split Heat Pumps Work?

Ductless Mini Split Heat Pump Benefits

Mini split heat pumps are quite different from ordinary heat pumps. While like the latter, mini split heat pumps are able to provide both heating and air conditioning depending on the season’s demands. Ductless mini split heat pumps work a bit differently from the traditional HVAC systems. With an HVAC system, you will need ductwork all throughout the house so as to have hot or cool air delivered to all the rooms in your house.

A ductless mini split heat pump, on the other hand, has two parts; the compressor and the air handling unit. The compressor is installed outside while the air handling unit is mounted inside your home. Piping is used to connect these two parts and refrigerant is used to transfer warm or cool air as is needed in your home.

What Are the Benefits of Using Mini Split Heat Pumps?

Using mini split heat pumps comes with a couple of benefits. These include:

  • Provides both heating and cooling in one system
  • Supplements the existing HVAC system in your home allowing for maximum comfort
  • Reduces your utility bills
  • Installs simply and does not require any ductwork

With a ductless mini split heat pump, you can get the utmost comfort in every room of your house. However, in order to get the most from your heat pump, it is important that you get the best technicians to install it for you as well as provide you with some additional information on the various types that are available. Galmiche & Sons can provide the information and expert installation you need so that you and your family can enjoy warmth and comfort all year.

Contact Galmiche & Sons for More on Mini Split Heat Pumps

If you would like to have a mini split heat pump installed in your St. Louis home, Galmiche & Sons is the company to call. We have been delighting in providing St. Louis families with home heating comfort for many years, and will ensure that you and your family remain comfortable during this cold season. Simply call 314-993-1110 to talk to our experts and have your heating & air conditioning needs met.

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