Five Steps to Better Indoor Air Quality

Better indoor air quality is something that all homeowners should strive for as it directly affects your health. In fact, indoor air is often more polluted than outdoor air, a fact many homeowners are surprised to learn. Pollutants and allergens get into your home and reduce air quality, which can lead to health problems and irritation. Luckily, there are steps you can take to achieve improved indoor air quality. At Galmiche & Sons, we believe that all our customers deserve better indoor air quality and we have the experience and equipment to achieve that.

Steps to Better Indoor Air Quality

In St. Louis and the surrounding areas, to get more information about getting better indoor air quality in your home, give us a call today at 314-993-1110. Our heating & air conditioning experts are standing by to help.

Five Steps You Can Take for Better Indoor Air Quality

Ensuring a high standard of indoor air quality is vitally important for a healthy home. Many commonplace items and activities can bring pollutants or allergens into your home’s air and have an adverse effect on your health. However, there are some steps you can take to achieve healthier indoor air quality. It is key not to neglect the importance of your indoor air quality.

Here are five steps for better indoor air quality:

  • Improve ventilation – Modern homes are often well built and airtight. This helps to ensure the hot or cold air stays in your home, but it also can trap pollutants. Good ventilation is key to indoor air quality. Exhaust, supply, and balanced are all different types of home ventilation systems available for your home.
  • Humidity control – If the humidity is high in your home, it can lead to reduced air quality by causing the growth of fungus, mildew, and mold. Humidity higher than 50% should be reduced. You can install a number of different systems to achieve better home humidity control.
  • Use an air filter – A high quality air filter is a big step towards achieving improved indoor air quality. Good quality air filters trap particles of harmful pollutants and allergens. Needless to say, this does wonders for your indoor air quality. If you suffer from allergies or are extremely sensitive to pollutants, you may want to consider choosing an air filter for allergies.
  • Get an air purifier – One of the most effective tools for better indoor air quality is an air purifier. There are several different air purifiers out there, but they all work to actively kill or trap organisms and pollutants.

Improve Your Air Quality Today

It is important to be aware that the process of changing your air quality will take more than just one of these steps. When it comes to improving the air quality in your home, these steps can all work together with your HVAC system to give you a holistic approach to better indoor air quality. Think of it as an overall strategy for your long-term health and comfort at home.

Let Us Help You Achieve Better Indoor Air Quality

At Galmiche & Sons, we are a top HVAC company for air quality improvement. We can help you design a plan to improve your air quality and make your home a healthier and happier place. In St. Louis and the surrounding areas, our heating & air conditioning experts are standing by and ready to help. Give us a call at 314-993-1110 today.

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