How to Improve Your Home’s Air Quality and Reduce Indoor Allergens This Fall

How to Reduce Indoor Allergens This Fall

Who doesn’t want to easily reduce indoor allergens and boost air quality in their home? Poor air quality and air pollution conjures images of factory smokestacks and traffic jams, but it is just as likely to affect you at home. Luckily, there are some easy ways to reduce indoor allergens and improve your air quality. At Galmiche & Sons, we believe that everyone deserves to breathe easy in their homes. We are here to help you reduce indoor allergens and pollutants in your home, giving you one less thing to worry about.

To speak with someone about how to reduce indoor allergens at home, or if you have any other heating & air conditioner queries, give us a call at 314-993-1110.

Easy Ways You Can Reduce Indoor Allergens in Your Home

Indoor pollutants and allergens can enter your home through a variety of ways: cleaning products, new house wares, and even visiting friends or family. These irritants can often make you or your family sick. Thankfully, the steps to reduce indoor allergens are simple and have a great impact on your indoor air quality. We have put together a short list of handy tips to help you reduce allergens in your home.

Tips to reduce indoor allergens and improve air quality include:

  • Use Natural Cleaners – Many of the chemicals in common cleaning products greatly reduce indoor air quality and cause problems. Products that contain bleach or strong citrus scents are particularly harmful. Natural cleaning solutions like vinegar and lemon juice are a great way to clean without the harsh chemicals.
  • Clean Those Floors – We have all had dust and debris build up on our floors, especially those of us with pets! Regularly cleaning your floors is a great way to reduce indoor allergens at home. Vacuum or mop regularly, especially in the busy areas of your house.
  • No Smoking Inside – This probably comes as no surprise but smoking inside massively reduces indoor air quality. It also puts added stress on to your heating and cooling system. Smoking outside is the best option for your indoor air quality.
  • Regulate Your Humidity – Moisture is a haven for allergens such as mold and dust mites. The more humid your home, the better chance these pesky allergens have of growing. A dehumidifier or a properly sized air conditioning system are both great ways to reduce the humidity inside your home.

Make Sure You Change Your HVAC Filters Regularly

Tips to Reduce Indoor Allergens This Fall

The filters in your HVAC system play a huge role in ridding the air in your home of allergens and pollutants. Changing them regularly can have a massive impact on your indoor air quality. A dirty or clogged filter traps fewer allergens and makes your system work harder than it needs to. Changing your filter roughly once a month is standard and ensures you get the best air quality possible.

Let Us Help You Reduce Indoor Allergens at Home

Galmiche & Sons has been helping folks in the St. Louis area improve their air quality since 1950. If you would like more air quality advice and information on how to lower your indoor allergens, call one of our heating & air conditioner specialists today at 314-993-1110.

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