What Happens When You Don’t Change the Air Filter on Your HVAC System?

We all lead busy lives and have many things to tend to daily, so it is no surprise that many people often forget to change the air filter on their HVAC unit. This filter is vital to your system’s health and it is the unsung hero of the HVAC world. Neglecting to change the air filter is one of the most common issues we come across. Air filters work hard to keep particles out of your air but more importantly, they keep dirt and grime from building up on components. When you don’t change the air filter in your system, you could be heading for some undesirable consequences. Read below to find out about why it is necessary to change the filter regularly in your home.

What Happens When You Don’t Change the Air Filter on Your HVAC System?

At Galmiche & Sons, we have been in the heating and air conditioning business since 1950 and are proud to serve businesses and homeowners throughout St. Louis. To learn more about why you should frequently change the air filter in your system or to schedule an appointment to have your system services, give us a call at 314-993-1110.

Why You Should Always Change the Air Filter Regularly

There are many aspects of HVAC maintenance and servicing that can be complicated and costly. Thankfully, changing the air filter is not one of them! This is possibly one of the easiest things you can do to help your system last longer and run more efficiently. However, if you don’t change the air filter, you may have to deal with some unwelcome results.

Here some outcomes that can come as a result of not changing your air filter:

  • Grime Build-Up – Air filters are secretly working around the clock to keep your system running smoothly. They keep damaging dust and grime from building up on sensitive HVAC components. If you don’t change the air filter, these elements will enter your system and can cause problems. Moving parts of an HVAC system can be damaged by dust build-up over time.
  • Reduced System Lifespan & Frequent Breakdowns – Building off the previous point, dirty filters that allow build-up can lead to increased wear and tear on your system. When clogged with dirt, your system has to work harder to move air. This means that a little issue could snowball into a big, expensive fix over time. Changing a filter is much cheaper than a major breakdown.
  • Impacts on Filter Efficiency – In addition to dust and dirt, high efficiency filters collect things like allergens and pollutants. These filters must be changed regularly as a build up can reduce filter effectiveness, thus allowing these particles to pass through. This could greatly impact the health of people in your home or building.

You Should Change the Air Filter Roughly Every Month

Why You Should Change the Air Filter on Your HVAC System

So now that you know why, how often should you change your air filter? This depends partially on your system and filter type, but in most cases, changing the filter is recommended about monthly. Changing an air filter every month ensures that your system stays clean and you do not have to worry about dirt or mold accumulating. If you need assistance with filter changing, reach out to your HVAC provider.

Get More HVAC Help from Galmiche & Sons in St. Louis

In St. Louis and the surrounding areas, if you are wondering how to change your air filter, give us a call at 314-993-1110. At Galmiche & Sons, we are a trusted heating and air conditioning company serving the greater St. Louis area, and we look forward to helping with all of your HVAC maintenance needs.

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