5 Tips to Prepare Your HVAC System for Cold Weather

Winters in St. Louis can be harsh. Though we don’t face extended periods of very cold weather, the few days that the temperature goes subzero can be quite difficult to handle. Having your HVAC system running in perfect condition is essential, so your family doesn’t have to face trouble in the cold weather. Regular HVAC maintenance is imperative to ensure that the unit keeps functioning properly year after year. But particularly before the winter, preparing your HVAC system is all the more important. Your air conditioning system has been running all summer, but you don’t know if the heating system is working fine too. All the heavy-duty cooling your HVAC did in the summer can wear out some of its parts, causing problems with your heater. Because of this, it is important to properly prepare your HVAC system for cold weather.

Tips to Prepare Your HVAC System for Cold Weather

If you are unsure about how to prepare your HVAC system for the cold weather, consult an expert HVAC contractor. In the greater St. Louis area, call the heating and air conditioning experts at Galmiche & Sons at 314-993-1110 for a consultation.

How to Prepare Your HVAC System for the Cold Weather

If you are familiar with HVAC maintenance and have some experience with it, you can do some steps to prepare your HVAC system for the cold weather by yourself. You can also get an experienced HVAC contractor to do it for you, often much more thoroughly. Here are five tips for you to get your HVAC system ready for the winter if you plan to do it yourself.

Carry Out Seasonal Cleaning and Maintenance

Your HVAC system needs seasonal cleaning and maintenance every year before the summers and winters. With repeated use, the system can undergo regular wear and tear, dust may become accumulated at places, and the overall performance of the system may be affected. So make sure to conduct a thorough cleaning before winter sets in. You will want to clean the air vents, outer unit, blower, etc.

Replace the Air Filter

The air filter can easily become clogged, especially after continuous use of 6 months or more. A clogged air filter can reduce the efficiency of your HVAC unit as well as affect the air circulation through the system. A such, it is important that you clean or replace your air filters as part of your steps to prepare your HVAC system for cold weather.

Test Run Your Heating Unit

The past few months leading up to fall and winter, you have only been using the air conditioner for cooling. To make sure your HVAC system works efficiently in the winter, test run the heating unit a few times before the extra cold winter weather sets in. This will ensure that all the parts of the heating system, such as the furnace, heat exchanger, thermostat, etc., are functioning properly.

Also, warming up the system before winter will help it get primed for use since it has been sitting inactive for a long time.

Replace Your Old HVAC System

If you have been thinking of replacing your old furnace or AC, fall is best time for HVAC replacement. Some very old HVAC systems cannot perform up to standards even after maintenance and repairs because they have served as long as they could. In such cases, it is best to get it replaced, and fall is perfect for this as the weather is comfortable. You can spend a few days without the HVAC system until the new one gets installed and is ready for winter.

Protect the Outdoor Unit from Ice

How to Prepare Your HVAC System for Cold Weather

While outside HVAC units are meant to be able to handle most weather conditions, extreme cold, snow, and ice may pose issues. If the temperature outside drops below freezing point for an extended period or there is excessive snow or ice build up, your HVAC system’s outer unit is at risk of freezing over. To protect your outdoor unit from damage, you may want to cover it with something insulating, such as a blanket. This will prevent the snow from freezing the system.

Get Your HVAC Unit Maintained by Professionals

For the best way to prepare your HVAC system for cold weather, trust your system to the professionals. Hire an experienced HVAC company in St. Louis to carry out a thorough annual maintenance of your heating system. Galmiche & Sons have been providing HVAC maintenance for St. Louis residents since 1950. Get in touch with our heating and air conditioning experts to learn more about our services and schedule your fall HVAC maintenance appointment.

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