Fall HVAC Maintenance: What to Expect

Fall HVAC Maintenance in St. Louis

It is highly recommended by manufacturers and top HVAC companies alike to have your HVAC system checked regularly and have routine maintenance performed as needed. Allowing your system to go without a fall HVAC maintenance check is a good way to expose yourself to more problems down the road. While this may just mean a less efficient heating and cooling system and the discomfort and cost that comes with it, putting off fall HVAC maintenance can cause more serious issues too.

For instance, losing heat in the middle of winter because preventative maintenance wasn’t done can put you in a bad situation. Frozen pipes and an unhappy family are just a few of the risks that loom when you skip out on fall HVAC maintenance. It is not a complicated process though and a heating and cooling professional can have all the necessary checks done in very little time at all. In the greater St. Louis area, give Galmiche & Sons a call today, and we will address all of your heating & air conditioning needs.

Fall HVAC Maintenance Checklist

When done properly, HVAC maintenance is a pretty straightforward process, and understanding what your service provider will do during a fall HVAC maintenance check can help you see what you are getting out of it. Here are a few things your service provider might do:

  • Clean components that have accumulated dust or debris, including evaporator coils, the blower, and the heat exchanger
  • Check for rust, loose parts, and other signs of damage
  • Make sure there is enough refrigerant in the system
  • Check wiring for frays, corrosion, and other issues

Fall HVAC Maintenance | St. Louis HVAC Service

From there, your provider can offer solutions to any issues that might show up and get these taken care of before you have to make that emergency call in the winter to get things going again. While some assume that it is fine to just call for help when something goes wrong, preventative efforts like a fall HVAC maintenance check can save you a lot of money and trouble.

Fall Is When HVAC Maintenance Goes Best

Why is fall HVAC maintenance the norm? There are a few reasons. Avoiding winter furnace malfunctions is certainly one of them, but there is more to the story. Fall is also a time when HVAC professionals are not as busy, so they will have more time to carefully inspect your equipment and schedule follow-ups if needed. Plus, given that it’s a quieter season, many offer deals and discounts to help you get your fall HVAC maintenance done. It is a win-win because you get important protection as you head into winter, and the service people get to deal with preventative work on the “off season.” Really, there is no reason to avoid this yearly check up, and a lot to gain from doing it.

Ready to Get Started? Contact Us for HVAC Maintenance in St. Louis

Now is the perfect time to schedule any fall HVAC maintenance you might need. Most HVAC maintenance professionals are tying up the loose ends of summer and putting together schedules for fall check-ins right now.

For heating & air conditioning service in St. Louis and the surrounding area, Galmiche & Sons is here to help. With a focus on attentive service and detailed work, we are ready to schedule your maintenance visit right away. To get in touch with Galmiche & Sons to schedule your fall HVAC maintenance today, just give us a call at 314-993-1110.

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