AC Not Cooling? Here’s What to Do

AC Not Cooling | AC Tips

Now that the hot summer days are here, you will certainly be using your air conditioning the most. During these periods of heavy use, your unit is more prone to malfunction and breakdowns. There may even be times when your unit seems to be running but the AC is not cooling at all.

If your AC is not cooling even though it is turned on, here are some things you can do first to troubleshoot your HVAC system before calling in a St. Louis HVAC company:

  • Reset the Unit: Sometimes, all it takes is a simple restart to fix an AC that is not cooling. Simply locate the “reset” button on the control panel. Press and hold the button for 3 seconds, then release. Wait for the unit to reset.
  • Clean the Filter: Over time, your air conditioner filter accumulates dirt and debris, causing the unit to malfunction. Take the time to clean your filter or replace it with a new one every three months, or as recommended by your manufacturer. Change it as well before the start of the heating or cooling season.
  • Check for Ice: This may seem counterintuitive during the summer, but ice can also be a culprit for your AC no cooling. Check the coils to see if ice has formed, which can freeze up the unit and result in diminished airflow and the AC not cooling.
  • Clean the Entire Unit: The filter is not the only part of the AC that you have to clean. Make sure to clean the condenser, evaporator, and coil. If these parts are not well maintained, it can result in your AC not cooling.
  • Check the Thermostat: If you have a programmable thermostat, make sure that it is turned on, adjusted properly, and working properly to regulate the temperature.
  • Check the Electrical Wiring: If you see any tripped breakers or a blown fuse, call an electrician to have it fixed.
  • Check the Ductwork: If your ductwork is not sealed properly or has leaks, the cold air will dissipate inefficiently around the home. Consult an HVAC professional to have your ductwork system checked and sealed.
  • Check for Refrigerant Leaks: The refrigerant is at the heart of every air conditioner system. The refrigerant lines should be properly insulated from leaks and cleaned from time to time to improve the efficiency of the system. A leak can seriously cause damage because the unit will have to work harder to compensate for the reduced pressure.

What Else Can You Do If Your AC is Not Cooling?

AC Not Cooling | St. Louis AC Repair Tips

If you have done everything and your AC is still not cooling, this could be the sign of aging or an incorrectly-sized air conditioner. If your air conditioner is more than 10 years old, you may be better off having it replaced with a new system, especially if you are facing extensive and frequent repairs. Regardless, whatever the reason may be that your AC is not cooling, you should have a professional HVAC company check your system.

Throughout the greater St. Louis area, you can rest assured that if your AC is not cooling, Galmiche & Sons can figure it out! We have the skills, experience, and tools to deal with all kinds of heating and cooling repairs—from simple to the most complicated jobs. Call us at 314-993-1110 for all of your St. Louis heating & air conditioning needs!

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