Furnace Safety Tips for Winter

Your home heating system or furnace is something that keeps you comfortable in winter. But if you are not careful with your furnace, it can quickly become dangerous. Because, at the end of the day, it is an appliance that burns fuel. Not to worry. We, from Galmiche & Sons, are here with some furnace safety tips that will help you protect your home and your family this winter.

Furnace Safety Tips for Winter

To learn more about our furnace safety tips and what you can do to ensure that your furnace runs efficiently and safely all winter, our heating and air conditioning experts can help. In St. Louis and the surrounding areas, contact us online or by phone for all your furnace needs.

5 Furnace Safety Tips to Follow

Furnace Safety Tip #1: Place Smoke and Carbon Monoxide Detectors at Each House Level

The biggest safety hazards with furnaces are the potential for fire and carbon monoxide leaks. When fuel is burned, an odorless gas known as carbon monoxide is released. If the ventilation system or any parts of your furnace malfunctions, this gas can build up in your home, leading to health hazards. Furnaces are also a common source for home fires each winter. The best way to stay safe in such situations is to detect fires early. Make sure that you have smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors installed at every level of your house.

Furnace Safety Tip #2: Keep the Area Around the Furnace Clear

Prevention is always better than cure. To reduce the risk of any home fires, it is a good idea to keep the area around the furnace cabinet clear. Many users end up keeping spare furnace filters and other items like paints and thinners near the furnace. This can be a very bad idea since filters can catch fire quite easily. Make sure that nothing is kept within 3 feet of the furnace. It would also be a good idea to have your furnace inspected before the start of every winter, to keep it in optimal running condition.

Furnace Safety Tip #3: Replace Furnace Filters Regularly

Furnace Safety Tips

Another good way to prevent any fire hazards with furnaces is by changing their filters regularly. The job of the filter is to protect the inside cabinet from the particulate matter coming from the return air ducts. If they are already clogged, your furnace will not be able to function as efficiently, and it can also cause it to overheat. We, at Galmiche & Sons, recommend that you change your filter every 3 months in most cases, but sometimes sooner.

Furnace Safety Tip #4: Look Out for Any Strange Noises Coming from the Unit

Never ignore if your furnace starts making strange noises. Even if it is functioning well and heating up your home, strange noises can indicate that there is something wrong with the unit. If you hear a scraping sound, it could be the blower wheel that is broken. This scraping can create sparks, which can lead to a fire. If you hear a loud bang, it could indicate that the heat exchanger is broken. As soon as you hear any of these sounds, call in a professional from Galmiche & Sons immediately.

Furnace Safety Tip #5: Strange Smells Could Lead to Hazards

Besides the strange noises, you should also look out for any strange smells coming out of the unit. A dusty smell, when you start your unit for the first time (after a long time), is common. But if you smell something like rotten eggs, you should call in a professional immediately, as this could indicate a gas leak.

Ensure Furnace Maintenance and Safety with Galmiche & Sons

With the above-mentioned tips, you can ensure furnace safety in your home and protect your family from any mishaps. However, we have saved the biggest safety tip for last – the annual maintenance of your furnace. Regular checkups and maintenance of your furnace will ensure that all components are working  properly and prevent many hazards.

With the trained technicians from Galmiche & Sons by your side, you will never have to worry about furnace safety again. Call us today at 314-993-1110 to schedule your annual HVAC maintenance.

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