Can’t Miss Heating and Air Conditioning Maintenance Tips for the Fall

Fall presents a special problem for HVAC systems. With the days turning cooler and the beginning of heating season, there are adjustments to be made. Still, you will sometimes need the air conditioner too, and that means your HVAC system is working double duty. Not only is fall sometimes a challenge for heating and air conditioning maintenance, it is also a good time to get ready for the winter. Heating issues in cold months can be a big problem!

Heating and Air Conditioning Maintenance Tips for the Fall

This is just one of the reasons it is recommended that you schedule professional heating and air conditioning maintenance during this season. This way, you can get a check on both systems, and make sure your system is ready to go through the winter. There are a few things you will want to check on your own, but a heating & air conditioning maintenance professional, like those at Galmiche & Sons will guarantee you are not heading for headaches and more with the winter freeze.

Maintenance Tips for Your Air Conditioner

When it comes to fall heating and air conditioning maintenance, the easiest place to start is with your air conditioner. While it has just come through the toughest season — summer — the end is in sight for your overworked air unit. The biggest thing to look out for in the fall is how dirty your air filters are. After a long summer, it is easy to forget to change these out, so make sure you take a look in the fall and ensure you are not wasting energy running your system on clogged filter.

It is also a good time to consider deeper heating and air conditioning maintenance or repairs that might take your air conditioning out of commission temporarily. Since you won’t be needing it in the coming months, fall is a great time to analyze what is wrong and get the needed repairs or replacements started or lined up. In the greater St. Louis area, consider Galmiche & Sons’ options for in depth air conditioner servicing. If you need this kind of heating and air conditioning maintenance work this fall, Galmiche & Sons is the place to get it done in the St. Louis area.

Maintenance Tips for the Furnace or Heater

With your heater, the opposite is true: this system is just gearing up for its most challenging months. There are a few simple heating and air conditioning maintenance techniques you can use in the fall to make sure it is ready to go. Once again, checking air filters and getting a general maintenance assessment is a good idea. Also firing up your furnace before you really need it isn’t a bad idea either.

Some Bonus Heating and Air Conditioning Maintenance Tips

Heating and Air Conditioning Maintenance Tips | St. Louis HVAC Maintenance

Finally, fall is a great time to evaluate your home and its overall efficiency. You will want to make sure your home is well insulated, so you do not have to run your system more often than necessary. Many underestimate how much of a difference proper insulation can make. We consider it an important part of heating and air conditioning maintenance for a reason though. This can have a big impact on the comfort of your home as well as the health of your HVAC system. Here are some things to consider:

  • Does your home have blown-in insulation or similar protection?
  • Is any insulation or seal loose or torn creating a gap?
  • Is anything blocking air flow for vent and returns or around your unit?
  • Is ventilation around the home clear?

Contact Galmiche & Sons for Your Heating and Air Conditioning Maintenance Needs

If you have any questions about heating & air conditioning maintenance needs for your home or would like to schedule a maintenance appointment for your St. Louis area home, give us a call today at 314-993-1110.

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