When to Replace a Furnace: Comparing Repair and Replacement

When to Replace a Furnace

The furnace is by far one of the most important parts of your HVAC unit. It handles very high temperatures and runs in extreme conditions to keep you warm, which makes it quite prone to damage and wearing out. Knowing when to replace a furnace is the key to a long-lasting HVAC system and money savings. Your furnace does not necessarily need to be replaced at the slightest appearance of a crack or leakage. Minor problems can be repaired by skilled HVAC technicians. When it is time to replace, the furnace will give you signs that tell you it has outrun its time.

Knowing when to replace a furnace can save you both costs and effort. To learn more and for hassle-free furnace repair services or replacements in the St. Louis area, call us at 314-993-1110.

How to Determine When to Replace A Furnace

There are certain signs that you should look out for in your HVAC unit’s performance or the furnace’s functioning. These signs will tell you that the furnace has worn out and is beyond repair. Get it checked by an HVAC contractor and if they agree that you need a furnace replacement, you can go ahead with it.

When Should You Replace Your Furnace

Here are some of the common signs:

  • The furnace is more than 15 years old: Ideally, the life of a furnace is between 10 and 20 years. Some furnaces may run a little longer, but even if they do, they will not be as efficient as they were initially. Also, in 15 or 20 years, the technology has probably improved and you need to upgrade to a more modern, energy-efficient furnace instead of sticking to an old one. So, if your furnace has been there for more than 15 years, it is a good time to replace it.
  • The furnace is not heating the air consistently: A furnace that has run for a long time will lose its efficiency eventually. So even if it is running, you may notice that your home is not getting heated evenly. If there are uneven hot and cold spots in your home despite the heater running all the time, it is probably time to get the furnace replaced.
  • The furnace is consuming too much power: One telltale sign of a worn-out or old furnace that needs replacement is your energy bills every month. If your heating bills are excessively high, it is likely because of an inefficient furnace. Replacing it with a new one will bring your energy bills down drastically.
  • The furnace repair costs are higher than a replacement: In some cases, repairing the furnace may be possible and the furnace may run for a few more years after repairs. But if the repair costs come to be higher than buying a new replacement furnace, it is best to go for a replacement. It will cost you less, will run longer than the repaired one, and is the more economical choice in every way.

Ask an HVAC Expert When to Replace a Furnace

If you are unsure whether you really need a furnace replacement or a repair, ask an experienced HVAC contractor. Galmiche & Sons have been providing expert furnace repairs and replacements for home and business owners throughout the St. Louis area since 1950.

Call our heating and air conditioning experts today to learn more.

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