Tips to Improve Winter Indoor Air Quality

Improve Indoor Air Quality in Winter

Compared to older houses, today’s homes have incredibly tight envelopes in order to keep the elements out and keep the heat or cold in (depending on the season). An unfortunate side effect of these tight home envelopes is that pollutants and allergens are also trapped inside, reducing overall indoor air quality and potentially causing various respiratory issues. Additionally, the tight seals can cause stuffiness and a dry environment within the home.

At Galmiche & Sons Heating and Cooling, we want you to be comfortable inside of your house during any season. Read on to learn how to improve indoor air quality in your home this winter, and then contact our St. Louis heating & air conditioning experts to learn even more!

1. Keeping a Clean Home

Our first tip for improving indoor air quality is a simple and straightforward one: keep your home clean! Particles and allergens like dust and dead skin can build up very quickly around a home, even if you are generally clean. Use electrostatic and microfiber cloths as well as a vacuum to make sure you are removing the particles instead of just moving them around the house.

2. Managing Humidity Levels

Improve Winter Indoor Air Quality | St. Louis HVAC

Keeping your indoor humidity at the right level is often a delicate balance. Too high and you have the potential for mold and mildew growth that can not only decrease indoor air quality, but also damage the structural integrity of your house. Too low and you will find yourself with dry, itchy skin, chapped lips, and possibly damage to wooden furniture, not to mention an increase in static electricity buildup.

A humidifier can help improve indoor air quality by keeping your humidity at just the right level. Additionally, using the exhaust fans in your bathroom and kitchen can help get rid of extra moisture in the air and improve indoor air quality.

3. Keeping Your Air Ducts Clean

If your air ducts are dirty and dusty, you will never improve your indoor air quality, as allergens will simply get blown around the house. Make sure to get an annual cleaning as well as an inspection for holes and leaks where pollution and allergens can seep into the house.

4. Using or Installing an Air Purifier

Whether you purchase a standalone model or have one installed directly into your home, an air purifier can greatly increase your indoor air quality. A high quality purifier will keep particles and allergens such as pollen, mold spores, dander, and bacteria out of the air.

5. Getting Regular HVAC Maintenance

Routine HVAC maintenance is incredibly important when it comes to improving your indoor air quality. Generally, it is good to have your system cleaned and inspected before major season changes, such as in the fall and spring times. Not only will this increase your indoor air quality, but will prevent small maintenance issues from turning in to large and costly repairs.

Learn More About Improving Indoor Air Quality

The heating & air conditioning professionals at Galmiche & Sons in St. Louis are ready to help you improve your indoor air quality. Contact us today to schedule an appointment and learn more!

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